Saturday, November 15, 2014

Beautiful Aurora Borealis--Latest Captain No Beard Story Takes Us There! And More!!! Check out 3 Reviews!

Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis 

 By Carole P. Roman
 Have you ever seen it? I haven't, but I sure would love to! This time Captain No Beard takes children, and adults, to a place few will ever experience! Want to come?! I can't wait!
First, have you met Captain No Beard? Well this is the latest story, Volume 7 and it just might be something one of your children will love as a stocking stuffer! In fact, since it's that time of the year, I decided to read all of the Captain No Beard stories that I've not yet published...

Let's Start With the Latest!

The Captain and his crew are heading north where it is very cold--and lots of icebergs! That's another thing I've never seen! How about you?! 

The Crew called them giant ice mountains but, you know what, they are totally made of... Water! Yes, just like we drink! 

But it was also very dark and everybody started asking questions about where they were going! Can you imagine feeling that cold after sailing through all those warm climates that the crew has explored? BRRRRRRR!  I'm already shivering here and it hasn't even started snowing yet this year!

The Captain pointed and announced they were heading North, following the North Star, or Polaris... 

I love to see the stars, but have never studied astronomy, which is how you learn about stars. Maybe you'll get a chance to have classes someday, but here's a pic in the meantime...and a way for you to find the North Star by finding the Big Dipper... Wow!

The Crew was getting excited and also very nervous, because the Captain announced that, as a Pirate, he wanted to take something back home from that strange place! But everybody started exclaiming that that was stealing! The Captain got upset, at least with his crew! What should he do?

And what he wanted to steal and take home was something so beautiful that nobody could deny it would be wonderful to see all the time! Can you imagine what they could do instead of stealing the Aurora Borealis? 

But did you know that different colors in the sky also can help you predict what weather changes are coming? That's one of the things they discovered in the adventure to Snake Island!

The sun lit up the clouds on the horizon. All of the crew stopped their chores to watch the beautiful sunrise.
"Oh, how pretty!" First Mate Hallie exclaimed.
"I see orange, yellow, and bright pink," Mongo the monkey called from the mainmast.
"It is special," Captain No Beard agreed...

But then Polly the parrot squawked, and she should know,  "It may look colorful, but all I have to say Is: 'red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky in morning, sailors take warning." Now some of you may have heard that little saying before, but it often proves to be true...and soon the rain was coming down!

Well, they did finally make it to Snake Island... and you wouldn't believe what the treasure was that they found! Of course, I was pleased that I already enjoyed that treasure--and hope all children everywhere have the opportunity to share it too! Do check this book out! It's a Treasure!

The next story is an important one about meeting strangers! The title puts it right out there as even on the high seas, there will be strangers...

This important story has a great touch of humor. Because, as you may have guessed, the stories of Captain No Beard are all imaginary while the crew are all friends--real and imaginary alike. 

But reality has to play a part sometimes, and now Captain No Beard has been assigned baby sitting duties! Actually the crew doesn't mind much and by the end of this story,  everybody was glad to have their new cabin girl with them!

Because there was a great big, dark ship sailing their way!
Well, that ship kept coming and their captain started asking for help with directions, but Captain No Beard was not deceived and had his crew recite rules about what to do when strangers talk to them...

Naturally, they turned the ship and started away from the other one...but they followed!

Roman has taken a somewhat dark subject and allowed it to become a bit humorous about who saved the day! But it also provided guidance about sibling relationships which I appreciated...

Cute ending to a warning of danger... More reviews coming soon


1 comment:

  1. It draws the audience in, creating an expense in various facets of the book. Largely, it makes that demanding question.
