Vacation Hiro:
Cats in the Mirror
By Meg Welch Dendler
Second Book in Award-Winning Series
Soooo, you're probably wondering why I'm starting this review with a picture of Hiro and her Daddy... Well, it's very simple. Daddy left Hiro allllll alone and she was very frustrated not knowing where her Daddy was--in fact, she was quite scared! You see Daddy had tried to explain to Hiro that he and his family were going on vacation. But though he kept on talking, telling her where they'd be and how long they'd be gone...well, when Hiro is safely in Daddy's presence, she's often snoozin' or cruisin' just being happy Daddy's around...
So when she woke up one morning and they had lots of bags being carried out to the car, she was totally surprised! What would she do without Daddy? He made sure that she had her own food, fresh water, and even a separate litter box...Who would protect her from Miss Fatty Cat (Samantha)? She'd tromped on her every chance she got!
Now, actually, they weren't alone all the time because their Grandma came over to visit and take care of their needs, but that didn't reduce the trauma for Hiro...and she always hid under their bed!
Actually, Miss Fatty Cat had provided some news, quickly telling them that their parents would be gone for a long time--that they had done it before, it was called going on a vacation. But for Hiro and Kimba, this was the first time they'd been left alone. Now, if you read book one, you probably know that Kimba is much more self-sufficient and adventuresome. So being alone didn't bother her so much. But, with Hiro's help, they had both decided after that last scare that they weren't going to have anything more to do with the cats in the mirror!
But now, even though Grandma had taken care of her supplies in the bathroom, Hiro had never had to go in alone--Daddy! Where are YOU?! Some of you may know that there are strange cats in the bathroom...and that's who got them into trouble in the first book! But now, Hiro didn't have a choice, she had to go in any time she needed a drink...or other needs!
As time went by, however, Hiro knew she would have to go into the bathroom. And worked up the courage to do it! Soon she was even talking to the cat, Artemis, who appeared in the mirror. She did tell Kimba what was happening although initially she was keeping it a secret because of their promise to each other...... And Guess What? Their mother came to visit!
They learned much about their history and, finally realized for the first time, that they were born into a royal family and that their birth mother held a very important position in that government...
I'm not going to tell you anymore, except that Hiro and Kimba both went on a vacation too!
Actually, Miss Fatty Cat had provided some news, quickly telling them that their parents would be gone for a long time--that they had done it before, it was called going on a vacation. But for Hiro and Kimba, this was the first time they'd been left alone. Now, if you read book one, you probably know that Kimba is much more self-sufficient and adventuresome. So being alone didn't bother her so much. But, with Hiro's help, they had both decided after that last scare that they weren't going to have anything more to do with the cats in the mirror!
But now, even though Grandma had taken care of her supplies in the bathroom, Hiro had never had to go in alone--Daddy! Where are YOU?! Some of you may know that there are strange cats in the bathroom...and that's who got them into trouble in the first book! But now, Hiro didn't have a choice, she had to go in any time she needed a drink...or other needs!
As time went by, however, Hiro knew she would have to go into the bathroom. And worked up the courage to do it! Soon she was even talking to the cat, Artemis, who appeared in the mirror. She did tell Kimba what was happening although initially she was keeping it a secret because of their promise to each other...... And Guess What? Their mother came to visit!

I have to tell you though, that I was disappointed... I kept repeating "Beam me Up Kimba; Beam me up Hiro" but neither paid any attention! This Trekkie fan was upset...for a little while... But, I loved how the book finished--that Hiro had to rush home because Daddy was demanding that Grandma made sure that she actually saw Hiro, or he was packing up and they were coming home! Well, Hero did make contact with Grandma, but you can be sure that by the time the family came home. Hiro immediately let Daddy know he was upset!
But then Daddy went out and came back with presents, reminding everybody that it was Hiro and Kimba's birthday! "Hiro blinked up at Daddy. She didn't like leaping around in front of the whole family. She preferred private time to hide under the bed...We can play together later, when we are alone, she thought... Hiro leaned in close and rubbed the top of her head against Daddy's furry face. He gave her kisses on the flat part between her ears. Then Daddy sighed, put up the foot rest on the sofa, and turned on the TV."
You know for cat lovers, whether the book is written for children, young adults, or adults, like my mystery cat series, we usually love them, especially this one that had a special Star Trek flavor for those that enjoy space adventures! I personally enjoyed this one more than the first simply because of Hiro's personality. Cats do have personalities and Hiro being shy and timid and scared without Daddy (and Daddy's role in return) was so well written that, of course, it brought tears to my eyes... I've had that special link with a couple of my past cats--it's unique and only happens when a cat has chosen you to be someone special in their life! Kudos to the author for how well she is able to represent the feline species! LOL Quite appropriate for the age group and highly recommended.
Meg Welch Dendler is an award-winning author and a former pre-k, elementary, and middle school teacher who celebrated publishing her first book, “Why Kimba Saved The World,” on February 23, 2013. This story is based on her true-life crazy cat and the other cats in her home…and the idea that they are all really part of an alien race that wants to rule the earth. In October of 2013, “Why Kimba Saved The World” was honored with a Moonbeam Children’s Book Award as “Best First Book — Chapter Book,” Bronze Medal. The sequel, “Vacation Hiro,” is out now.
For over 10 years, Meg worked as a freelance writer, including a year as a columnist for, where she wrote movie commentaries and interviews. She has had over 100 articles published in newspapers, magazines, and on web sites and has had the chance to interview Sylvester Stallone, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Kirk Douglas, as well as Anita Roddick and the Archbishop of Cape Town. She is a huge movie fan and prefers watching a new movie over most of what is on television.
A supporter of Character Education, Meg served as a teacher and community trainer for CHARACTER COUNTS! and has spoken about the integration of literature in character education programs at MiAEYC conferences and for the Arkansas Association of School Librarians. Meg is a proud member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).
In the near future, Meg is looking forward to publishing a very different book, “At The Corner of Magnetic and Main.” Set where she lives in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, this story follows several people no-longer living on this plane of existence but still stuck here (aka, ghosts) as they figure out what is holding them here and what is next in their lives. She is also hoping to publish a picture book she has been working on since 5th grade, “The Brave, Frail, and Delicate Princess,” and a YA and teen-focused biography of her hero, actress and philanthropist Betty White. The 3rd book in the Cats in the Mirror series, “Miss Fatty Cat’s Revenge,” is also in the works.
A Texas native, Meg grew up in the mid-west area of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, and then moved to the Metro Detroit suburbs when she was 13. She earned her undergraduate degree in Public Relations at Eastern Michigan University and returned to school there to earn her teaching certification and Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. After decades in Michigan, she and her family moved to Houston, Texas, in 2005. Making a total life and career change, in 2012 they bought seven acres of Ozark mountain paradise, opened a rental guest house business, and focused on allowing Meg time to write and publish. She loves the opportunity to perform wedding ceremonies in their pavilion and be a part of special events for families from all over the United States–as well as getting her books into your hands.
A trained and experienced public speaker, Meg would love to visit your school or book store to share “Why Kimba Saved The World,” have a read-aloud session, and promote reading and literacy for elementary school children. Call Serenity Mountain Publishing at 479-363-6017 to chat or send Meg an email at
You know for cat lovers, whether the book is written for children, young adults, or adults, like my mystery cat series, we usually love them, especially this one that had a special Star Trek flavor for those that enjoy space adventures! I personally enjoyed this one more than the first simply because of Hiro's personality. Cats do have personalities and Hiro being shy and timid and scared without Daddy (and Daddy's role in return) was so well written that, of course, it brought tears to my eyes... I've had that special link with a couple of my past cats--it's unique and only happens when a cat has chosen you to be someone special in their life! Kudos to the author for how well she is able to represent the feline species! LOL Quite appropriate for the age group and highly recommended.
Meg Welch Dendler is an award-winning author and a former pre-k, elementary, and middle school teacher who celebrated publishing her first book, “Why Kimba Saved The World,” on February 23, 2013. This story is based on her true-life crazy cat and the other cats in her home…and the idea that they are all really part of an alien race that wants to rule the earth. In October of 2013, “Why Kimba Saved The World” was honored with a Moonbeam Children’s Book Award as “Best First Book — Chapter Book,” Bronze Medal. The sequel, “Vacation Hiro,” is out now.
For over 10 years, Meg worked as a freelance writer, including a year as a columnist for, where she wrote movie commentaries and interviews. She has had over 100 articles published in newspapers, magazines, and on web sites and has had the chance to interview Sylvester Stallone, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Kirk Douglas, as well as Anita Roddick and the Archbishop of Cape Town. She is a huge movie fan and prefers watching a new movie over most of what is on television.
A supporter of Character Education, Meg served as a teacher and community trainer for CHARACTER COUNTS! and has spoken about the integration of literature in character education programs at MiAEYC conferences and for the Arkansas Association of School Librarians. Meg is a proud member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).
In the near future, Meg is looking forward to publishing a very different book, “At The Corner of Magnetic and Main.” Set where she lives in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, this story follows several people no-longer living on this plane of existence but still stuck here (aka, ghosts) as they figure out what is holding them here and what is next in their lives. She is also hoping to publish a picture book she has been working on since 5th grade, “The Brave, Frail, and Delicate Princess,” and a YA and teen-focused biography of her hero, actress and philanthropist Betty White. The 3rd book in the Cats in the Mirror series, “Miss Fatty Cat’s Revenge,” is also in the works.
A Texas native, Meg grew up in the mid-west area of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, and then moved to the Metro Detroit suburbs when she was 13. She earned her undergraduate degree in Public Relations at Eastern Michigan University and returned to school there to earn her teaching certification and Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. After decades in Michigan, she and her family moved to Houston, Texas, in 2005. Making a total life and career change, in 2012 they bought seven acres of Ozark mountain paradise, opened a rental guest house business, and focused on allowing Meg time to write and publish. She loves the opportunity to perform wedding ceremonies in their pavilion and be a part of special events for families from all over the United States–as well as getting her books into your hands.
A trained and experienced public speaker, Meg would love to visit your school or book store to share “Why Kimba Saved The World,” have a read-aloud session, and promote reading and literacy for elementary school children. Call Serenity Mountain Publishing at 479-363-6017 to chat or send Meg an email at
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