Sunday, October 21, 2018

Dylan Morrison Shares Daily of His Walk with Divine Love...

I met Dylan through his personal story, The Prodigal Prophet, six years ago, and Divine Love in 2016... The thought comes to me that, perhaps, he comes into my life again when I need refresh me, to know that Jeshua - Jesus is always with us and His Divine Love covers us, even now, in this chaos that is erupting out of America across the world, dividing our nation, using God's name in ways that should never be... leaving behind our basic values of goodness, kindness, truth, and love for our fellow man...

Lightning bolts come from above. So too the sayings you are about to read. I can assure you that they were definitely not birthed in my earth bound consciousness. Rather, they appear to have flowed from somewhere else via an open portal in my higher unconscious. As a young, Irish Charismatic prophet, my prophecies for others just came, bubbling up from a spirit well deep within, totally bypassing my rational mind. So too with the content of this book. Lightning bolts momentarily light up the surrounding countryside. Hopefully, what you read here will have a similar effect, bringing Light to the dark recesses of your psyche-soul. Co-operating operating with the staccato-like wisdom of what follows may change your inner landscape for ever. Lightning bolts contain huge amounts of high voltage, electrical energy. Hopefully these mini-insights will channel an intense Divine energy into your psycho-spiritual batteries. 
Whilst writing them, I felt a power surge within. Hopefully, this spiritual oomph will also transmit itself to you, my readers. Lightning bolts can easily bring down obstacles that stand in its earthbound way. Trees, buildings, and even people can be the unsuspecting victims of its fierce intensity. Human ingenuity has cleverly invented lightning conductors to safely redirect the rampant rage of Nature's fiery downloads. 
Hopefully, the target of these mystical musings will be the debilitating towers of religious legalism and spiritual abuse. These dysfunctional mutations of the spiritual path fully deserve to fall to the ground. Of course ego will try and protect its psycho-spiritual allies by conducting the fiery flashes of Spirit Breath into the neutralizing rod of our conceptual minds. May Light, however, strike where it wills – the open hearts of those with ears to hear and eyes to see. On a more practical point, I have formatted my little, literary offering as a daily reader. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, the spiritual thoughts that comprise it came to me on a daily basis. Divine Love seems to realize that we can't handle too much paradigm-changing truth at one go. Drip feeding seems to be its preferred modus operandi. 
Hopefully each little saying will contain enough spiritual fat to chew on over a twenty four hour period. Secondly, Divine Love delights to approach us each day. Yesterday's soul food tends to go stale if left unabsorbed by the human heart. Today's spiritual bread always miraculously appears, if we but tune our ears to the frequency of Spirit Breath. 
One simple thought, energized by Divine Presence 
is a great way to start our day.

In Bolts From the Blue, Morrison shares Thoughts, bits of knowledge, pieces of wisdom, and spurts of praise... It can be used as a daily meditation, but like many readers, I just kept on reading... although I did a lot of highlights even as I read, wanting to pinpoint simple or bold statements and issues that I was most impressed with.

If this is the first book by the author read, it will perhaps be surprising. Morrison openly shares the evolution he has experienced from his youth to his time, now spent with Divine Love. Morrison's books are meant to challenge you, just as he challenged himself. When he saw the religious experience in one form or another, he was quite willing to question and, if necessary, move on to continue his search... to find the life that Divine Love can bring...

Just happy to be a Divine kid, dancing in the Light of Day.

I find Spiritual growth when I read Dylan Morrison. Not because I agree with everything he may say, but because he shares his thoughts, his words, and his opinions for us to consider--do they speak to me, because they are my own opinions? Or do they go further than I have ever been and am not sure I can accept his thoughts? What I like best is the challenge! I recognize that many of Dylan's experiences are my own--interest in self-help books, psychology, as well as spiritual teachings, including mysticism... Surely, if there are others across the world seeking God and knowing Him, I am able to learn and grow. I do not accept the strict singing of Joyful, Joyful as written by Beethoven. Instead, I want to experience that joy from God's love and know him intimately as one who shares with me daily.

And that's what Morrison presents to you... Either a short statement mostly not more than 10 lines that you can read each day, or, open the book, and read until you find what is important for you at the time. 

Here's just one question that struck me--Do we pray to convince Divine Love to act or to listen to what it's already planning? It is a time when black seems white and up seems down--when truth has been discarded for choosing words to mean whatever it is that is desired at the time. Many have chosen to put their own plan into motion, rather than listening to what Divine Love always speaks of--love one another--do unto others as you would have them do unto you--love your neighbor as yourself--do unto the least of these as you would do unto Me... Are we in a time when some people pray to convince God how, why, and when to act instead of listening to His Plan?

Another that hit me right in the eye--To Debate Or To Be? Religious debate is the unusual, little love child of religious belief. Whilst appearing as an angel of light, one with the most holy of intent, it often hides a most vicious and murderous violence. Beware of the debate junkie. Ok, I realized that the merge of religion and politics had gotten me into a "debate" phase. Was this little gem sent directly to me? Well, I sure stopped to reread it several times. Perhaps I had become a junkie because of my frustration, rather than allowing peace and acceptance of what He has planned... But...I'm going to have to reread that often...just like you might find those that hit you...But I do know that a new calm has come to me...

Elections Every four or five years, political egos participate in ritualized debate, only to abandon folk to get on with it, after getting into office. Authentic freedom is always discovered outside the camp of skewed desire, and hence, by definition,outside the popular, cultural scapegoating game known as politics.

It seems the "bolts" given to us through this book are timely and affect our daily lives as well as our spiritual lives. That was important for me, and perhaps for you? Because we do live in this diverse world and need to consider how our lives are affected by that world's actions... We can rejoice when Dylan points out that "It was never designed to be this hard." And isn't that a wonderful bit of wisdom... How many of us grew up with the don'ts and thou shall nots and more, yet were never introduced to His Divine Love, which frees us from even having to make those choices that we've stopped to make over and over during the years...

Elections Every four or five years, political egos participate in ritualized debate, only to abandon folk to get on with it, after getting into office. Authentic freedom is always discovered outside the camp of skewed desire, and hence, by definition,outside the popular, cultural scapegoating game known as politics.

It seems the "bolts" given to us through this book are timely and affect our daily lives as well as our spiritual lives. That was important for me, and perhaps for you? Because we do live in this diverse world and need to consider how our lives are affected by that world's actions... We can rejoice when Dylan points out that "It was never designed to be this hard." And isn't that a wonderful bit of wisdom... How many of us grew up with the don'ts and thou shall nots and more, yet were never introduced to His Divine Love, which frees us from even having to make those choices that we've stopped to make over and over during the years...

One thing you will quickly realize--Dylan Morrison does not speak and write like most of us. His research and experience has been extensive. And he speaks about what is happening around and about him in words that is within his own lexicon. His merge of psychology, spirituality, religion takes some time to get used to. And his lightning bolt aim at different aspects of our lives can be startling. Yet, once you put aside any pre-conceived ideas of what a daily teaching book should be like, you may find each bit of thought-provoking images he places before you, as stimulating, maybe traumatic at first, but, then with a growing sense of awareness--awareness that he just might be right in what he presents... And that his words just may be what you are looking for...

Are you willing to take the risk to find His Divine Love...right where it's always been available?


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