A bit of serendipity, or a
God Incident? I had just bought three of these Touch and Feel books for Avi's Home Library--and then his father brings home a live chameleon which is another name for this particular lizard...
God Incident? I had just bought three of these Touch and Feel books for Avi's Home Library--and then his father brings home a live chameleon which is another name for this particular lizard...
Avi is just 2 years old, but also enjoyed this new creature in his life... The little girl in the video below you may recognize from her many singing videos, but when she was 3, she was quite vocal to meet her new friend! I thought I would add a little additional info since this lizard is shown as green; however, could indeed sometimes change color!
And wouldn't you know it, Grandma has a toy one to share! Sometime I'll tell you about the 'possum she brought to me! Let's just say, the introduction was...scary! LOL
The dolphin, I have heard, is the friendliest of the creatures from the sea. You can even see them at some parks where it is warm, and they will do tricks for you!
Question: Where did the phrase "An elephant never forgets" originate from? Answer: The origin of the phrase seems to go back to observations that elephants follow the same paths and even hand down genetic memories of directions and places or grounds across generations.
I have to admit that I've had fun just putting this review together, so I'm excited to give the book to Avi since he's old enough and the book is just the right size. Plus it's well made and will take the wear and tear from this energetic child...with parental guidance, as you can see is recommended...
Now on to the inside of this children's book!
I am a wild lizard.
I live up in this tree.
My skin is rough and scaly,
but not my personality.
Note: Amazon has all pages shown on site for the book.
You can move around the page to study the detail! Cool, right?!
Now, notice on this first page... See the circle right on the lizard? It is a small patch of material that emulates, or matches, the type of skin of the lizard (and other animals). When touching, it feels like an uneven, but smooth surface and a definite pattern! Of course, this is to teach your child about the type of skin that each of the animals has.
My furry body feels like wool,
and I'm as cuddle as cuddle can be
My baby snuggles closely on my back
while I nap in this eucalyptus tree.
Notice where the fir is shown? It's a white spot instead of his ear! It does indeed feel like fir, can be fluffed, or petted down like we would if we were meeting a real bear! Did you know that you can find stuffed toy koala bears just like your teddy bear?
You may not notice where you can touch the lion! It's right on the top of his head! Oh My! But really, his fir feels just like, perhaps, your cat or kitten, if you have one like I do!
While most cats may love to be petted, always remember that lions, even at zoos, really are wild--and never touched. Don't even get close, specially if there is a baby lion nearby like this one, because the mother will want to protect that baby...
But like all wild animals, meaning that they are not those that have learned that we humans will not harm them, don't ever get too close. Even if they have made friends with one or two people who take care of them, they are still considered wild. This dolphin's skin feels smooth...maybe just like your daddy's car plus the wheel used to drive it.
Hey, Did you know that it is said that Elephants never forget? Soooo, I had to be sure about it... Here's What I found out!
Cool, right? And By the way, an elephant's skin is like leather and sometimes, you may have a chance to see them at a circus, maybe...
They are verrrrry big, so don't go close! OK?
I have to admit that I've had fun just putting this review together, so I'm excited to give the book to Avi since he's old enough and the book is just the right size. Plus it's well made and will take the wear and tear from this energetic child...with parental guidance, as you can see is recommended...
I have a couple more of these books for Avi...Check back or search for "Avi" for new children's books I've reviewed, or just "children's books" for those created over the years!
By the way, I also added a tablet-like book to allow Avi to get the idea of holding books...and it can be written on! Also, a learning book for words... Both are basic early books I'd recommend to, like I said, get your child holding books early in life... Reading...is...
indeed...Fundamental to your child's Future!
God Bless,
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