Thursday, August 3, 2023

Robert Sells Discusses Latest Political News Regarding Election Interference - "I Blame Republicans..."

Anyone who listened to the litany of evidence presented in Donald’s latest indictment has to question Donald’s presumed innocence. He has over fifty FELONY counts being adjudicated in the courts! Yet he retains high poll numbers. How can this shameless conman still be a political force in our country? I blame Republicans.

Early on, Republicans knew and accepted that Donald was vulgar and immoral. They had to pinch shut their collective noses to disregard the stench when they voted for him. Unacceptable! Anyone that flawed should have been relegated to basement. Which was exactly what Democrats did when he ran for president in their party. I blame Republicans.

Republicans knew that Donald was a prolific liar. He lied about everything from crowd size to weather reports, from calling Democrats ‘baby killers’ to bad-mouthing Republicans who stood against him. His lying is the baggage Republicans have to carry when supporting him. Sorry, but 30,000 lies in office is simply too much lying. Nevertheless, he retains his position in the polls. I blame Republicans.

Donald suffered over four bankruptcies and he has a reputation of not paying up his debts. His style of leading is to demand abject loyalty. Talent and expertise were distant seconds to loyalty. Diverse opinions were only accepted if they comported with his peculiar view of the world. That is not a way to run a country or a business. Yet he was allowed to run our country that way. I blame Republicans.

Losing candidates for the office of president have sometimes questioned voting methods in a critical state, but after a recount or adjudication in the courts, they accepted the will of the people. No presidential candidate has ever questioned the results of an election for any more than a few weeks. Except for Donald. Every day since he lost the election, he complained that the election was “rigged” and invalid. Everyday! He did this despite the fact that all the local and state officials certified the results. He did this after every court case (over 60) found no election fraud. He did this even though he had zero evidence of any election fraud. Such chicanery undermines the faith Americans have had in cornerstone of democracy: the ability to elect our own leaders. Even some independents believe this conman. I blame Republicans.

Our country will too soon be voting again for President. It is likely that this heavily flawed charlatan will be a viable candidate. I blame Republicans for that affront to our democracy.

Let's further consider my earlier statement,  “Anyone who listened to the litany of evidence presented in Donald’s latest indictments has to question Donald’s presumed innocence.” Of course, I was wrong. Donald’s obsequious lieutenants and the mindless MAGA mob still bow down to their leader. How? One of Donald’s lawyers stated “Our defense is going to be focusing on the fact that what we have now is an administration that has criminalized the free speech”. And, sure enough, there was an obviously orchestrated bellowing from Donald’s MAGA allies on Capitol Hill about the violation of the First Amendment.

As usual, the truth is totally the opposite of what Donald and MAGA Republicans state. Donald is not being denied his right to lie and lie again. Indeed, in the indictment itself, DOJ prosecutors made clear that Donald “had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won”. So, no… he’s not being indicted for his many, many lies. He is being indicted for fraud.

Fraud is any activity that relies on deception (Donald’s many lies, for example) in order to achieve a gain. Fraud becomes a crime when it is a “knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to INDUCE OTHERS TO ACT TO THEIR DETRIMENT”. An example will help. Between July 2017 and February 2019, Christine Hayes, a travel agent, used aliases (lie) to tell people she had these “great” vacation deals (lie). Making false claims are allowed and protected by the constitution. However, when she used those lies to sell fake travel packages, she became a criminal. Why? Because those lies persuaded her victims to give up their hard-earned funds only to discover "they had tickets to nowhere, their money stolen by this fake travel agent". When trying to recoup their loss money, Hayes lied that she had breast cancer! She is now accused of stealing money from at least 82 people by tricking them into buying $400,000 worth of vacation deals. So, she can make all the outrageous claims she wants. However, she can’t use those claims to steal something of value from someone else.

Donald is a conman and just as criminal as Hayes. He perpetrated lies that the 2020 election was rigged. He did this in an attempt to illegally change the results of the 2020 presidential election and hence deprive most Americans of their most sacred right, the right to choose their own leaders. When he uses his lies that way, it is fraud and a crime.

Now, lawyers and lawmakers can lie all they want about Donald’s indictment being an “attack on free speech”. That is their right to do so. That doesn’t change the fact that the indictment is about fraud.


Robert Sells is an ongoing political contributor at Book Readers Heaven. Insofar as possible, I also include a different news source to document what is being presented here. I agree and support all that is included in this article... Based upon my own understanding of various news sources.


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