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Conventional farming has contributed, more than anything, to the destruction of biodiversity. For example, there are only a few strains of conventionally produced fruits and vegetables in existence, and the loss of any of them to disease could eliminate these fruits and vegetables, such as the banana, from the earth. Genetically engineered foods are simply an extension of the murder of our planet’s biodiversity, by experimenting with combining the DNA of food with DNA from other organisms and contaminating the food supply.
Why? GMO foods can be patented. Large companies and wealthy individuals, such as Bill Gates, will eventually not only own most of the world’s farmland, but also the seeds for the entire world’s food supply. This is the elite’s idea of how to feed the world, and to make us completely dependent upon them for survival.
What Makes Genetically Engineered Foods So Bad? According to the World Health Organization, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are "organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in such a way that does not occur naturally." This technology is also referred to as "genetic engineering", "biotechnology" or "recombinant DNA technology" and consists of randomly inserting genetic fragments of DNA from one organism to another, usually from a different species. For example, an artificial combination of genes that includes a gene to produce the pesticide Cry1Ab protein (commonly known as Bt toxin), originally found in Bacillus thuringiensis, is forcibly inserted into the DNA of corn randomly. Both the location of the transferred gene sequence in the corn DNA and the consequences of the insertion differ with each insertion. The plant cells that have taken up the inserted gene are then grown in a lab using tissue culture and/or nutrient medium that allows them to develop into plants that are used to grow GM food crops. This Bt toxin acts as an insecticide within the plant, killing insects that feed on it, and its lethal effect on bees is the reason that GMO corn has been banned in Poland.
“The more we pour the big machines, the fuel, the pesticides, the herbicides, the fertilizer, and chemicals into farming, the more we knock out the mechanism that made it all work in the first place.” -- David R. Brower
As I said before, I am neither a doctor nor a nutritionist. I am an environmentalist who began my quest for improving the environment around me and my family about ten years ago. During that quest, I came to realize that, due to the poisoning of our environment, we are actually poisoning ourselves. And the most amazing pesticides have become an enduring feature of modern life, as they have been proven to increase yields in commercial agriculture. Insecticides have been very effective in controlling malaria and have saved many lives. In 2007, the world used more than 5.2 billion pounds of weed killers, insecticides, and fungicides to do everything from protecting crops to warding off malaria. Worldwide pesticide use has been on a steady increase since then.
But scientists have discovered that this widespread use of pesticides has also caused some serious problems. We cannot reasonably expect to introduce massive amounts of poison into the ecosphere without negative environmental effects. And our inundation of the biosphere with pesticides has eradicated many of the beneficial insects we need to break down wastes and provide a primary food supply for many animals, including birds, amphibians reptiles, and some mammals.
You know, Folks, we are a greedy nation. For Many of us, it probably is too late, me included. The long list of health issues included in this book have already attacked our bodies and have left us permanently impaired. Kenneth Eade, a lawyer by profession has the expertise and experience to do the research and to present scientific support in a short, but thorough documentary of what he has found. It begins with the basic physical issues that are controlled and/or affected. To many of us, myself included, that first part can be daunting to even consider reading. But, I've taken the time to present perhaps more than I normally would by excerpting the book, to allow you to see that his presentation gets to the point where we personally can understand and relate... Check out the highlighted physical ailments that are affected by these changes to our foods. If you have one of more of these ailments, like I do, you need this book, especially if you are young or middle-age and can choose to make changes to your eating habits.
With regard to your gut microbiome, simply put, if your microbiome is out of whack, which comes from ingesting food that feeds unhealthy or “bad bacteria” this will lead to fatigue, anxiety, depression, brain fog, headaches, acne, eczema, congestion, frequent headaches, colds and infection, and muscle and joint pain, and could lead to the development of more serious conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, cancer, and other disorders. Balancing your microbiome, by consuming foods that feed your beneficial or “good bacteria” is the key to the prevention and even reversal of these diseases. Consuming the wrong types of foods, and medications such as antibiotics, on the other hand, contribute to the imbalance of the microbiome, which can put you at risk of a host of unpleasant conditions.
I found getting this book and having my great-niece, Rachel, who is my health caregiver now, discussing the same issues, to be another God Incident. In fact, I'm finding that most books by established authors are directing their research and subsequent writing to areas of concern that have been and/or are being negatively impacted daily now in America.
Eades presents a silent murder case for us--Our Own! I remember an NCIS program where a marine comes into the NCIS office and wants to report a murder. He had been poisoned and needed help to find an antidote before he succumbed to that poison.
I started my narrative by talking about the United States being a greedy nation. But there is something very unique in making that statement. We, the people, or a major percentage of us, are not greedy. This can be demonstrated by how easily it is to find a willingness to help in emergencies, disasters, or with personal needs of individuals. So where is the problem?
Well, recently I heard the justification for "something or other" was because we are a capitalist nation. If you wondered exactly how and why this type of statement can be used for declaring that a decision is alright, you need to read this book! It's less than $1 so the author is practically begging us to help solve what has happened in American, perhaps, at first, without intention, but, now...certainly...by intent!
I want to highlight one of my personal observations about living in America... I come from a single-parent household with a mother who seemed to work 24-7 just to keep us fed. We ate lots of flour-based foods which were tasty and filling. We bought chicken backs and necks and cleaned off the little meat on these parts to cook broth and make home-made noodles. We looked forward to our Sunday dinner because my Mom was a great cook... All of us had some type of weight or health issues starting at that early age through no fault of our own...
Now? When I walk into a grocery store, I am amazed... and appalled by the variety--the different types and flavors or what is available. Take just, for instance, cereals. There is one long fully filled row of different types of cereals available for purchase--in just that one store! For other items, for instance, a dish detergent, there are so many choices that we stand in front of another long row, wondering which one to buy. Simply because we have no ability to know what the difference is between each different option. Without extensive research.
In my opinion, this situation has come about because of the decision to permit genetically modified foods to be patented! I am not saying that all of these foods are bad for us; rather, I am saying that, because they have been modified, perhaps insignificantly, they can also be patented! That results in the many slightly different foods or other products, such as pesticides that are now available for sale in our local stores. Competition is higher than, perhaps, it needs to be?
In our conversation, Rachel showed me a program that she had downloaded that provided an evaluation of the issues related to a product. Cheerios, which I had routinely selected because it was supposed to have heart-health support, showed that there were several additives that made it less of a good choice!
Recently I purchased the product GoLo, for weight reduction assistance. What I found, however, was that this requires an entire diet of non-processed foods. Of course, I think Kenneth Eades would approve of this--but when I studied the foods information, I discovered and believe, that the average person cannot use this product on a sustained basis. Especially at my age, when my physical challenges are considered related to when and how I can buy food products. Can you imagine not being able to eat soups, as just one example because it is processed?!
What I do know is that, in my opinion, the evolution to where we are was, mostly, unintentional. But, like with the laws on guns, the proliferation of how food products are provided in America is now a costly and perhaps dangerous situation.
If you have many years ahead of you, have children and/or want to ensure longevity for you and your family, free from the diseases caused by some of the problems now in existence. Now is the time for you to read and learn more... Highly recommended!
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