Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reading? Take A Tea Break!

mugsImage by joshstaiger via FlickrPrimula Double Wall
Glass Mug

If you are a reader like me, you might start your day out reading from your latest novel...while you sip your cup of tea (or coffee...)

I'm one of those individuals who chooses a mug for drinking tea, and rarely switch to another, just washing out the one I have been using. So when I saw a Glass Mug "with the Tea Bag Buddy" available on Amazon, I just had to try it...and am sooooo glad I did! It immediately became my chosen tea mug! Here's a quick formal description directly from the box:
Advanced double-wall borosilicate glass retains heat and freshness longer while keeping the mug free of condensation. Enjoy an elegant, rich and satisfying brew. 
Here's my four top reasons for accepting the mug for my daily tea:

  • It is indeed "elegant" and, somehow, that brightens the beginning of my day!
  • It holds 16 oz, which was the exact size of my earlier choice. Since I only drink one cup a day, this works for me!
  • It is very light, easy to pick up and hold for my fingers which are sometimes stiff in the morning (most important)
  • The cup lip, as is the cup itself, is thin and feels "right" on those first few hot sips!
Now the Tea Bag Buddy did indeed work just as described and, if you like to steep your tea, will be an added benefit. This was not as important although I did verify its effectiveness and that the top did NOT stain after holding the tea bag...

The cup does keep the tea hotter, even without using the cover, since I continuously...LOL

All in all, I was quite impressed and thankful to be able to look forward to my first sip of tea each morning from my new, quite elegant lovely cup!

Tea Cup Received
Via Amazon Vine

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