One of the recent manuscripts I reviewed is now published--More Than Angels! If you didn’t check it out then, do so now…and then consider buying this wonderful book! I got an autographed first edition and excerpts from my review on the front cover and inside too! Plus, my new friend and author, Ruby Moon-Houldson gave me a number of pictures plus a series of DVD’s regarding a certain group of individuals for which we both share an admiration. Hey, Trekkies, this woman is a realllll fan! Check her out!
Talk about wonderful books! I just finished Elizabeth’s Choice by Mary Edwards! See my posted review! Check out the little blond on the cover—she reminds me of myself when I was a little girl…LOL. I don’t think I was quite as brave as this one though. My Mom was a widow, but, gee, I just never thought of asking God for a new father. Maybe that was because my father had been killed before I was born and thus never had the experience Elizabeth had. Still, God was in our home as well and a lot of prayers went up. This book is a great family-oriented story that you can share with your children!'s_choice.htm
I also finished Fairies in Elysium by Danielle Marie Linton, The Final Voyage of the Sea Explorer by Douglas Boren, and Bullets and Bandages by Robert Saniscalchi…More on these next time!
To close, I’d like to share a short story sent to me by my friend, Robert Noonan, author of the Wildflowers Trilogy.
Here is a true story on giving. It was told by Jack Kornfield of the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre.
An eight-year-old boy had a younger sister who was dying of Leukemia, and he was told that without a blood transfusion she would die. His parents explained to him that his blood was probably compatible with hers, and if so, he could be the blood donor. They asked him if they could test his blood. He said sure. So they did and it was a match. Then they asked if he would give his sister a pint of blood, that it could be her only chance of living. He said he would have to think about it overnight.
The next day he went to his parents and said he was willing to donate the blood. So they took him to the hospital where he was put on a gurney beside his six-year-old sister. Both of them were hooked up to IVs. A nurse withdrew a pint of blood from the boy, which was then put into the girl's IV. The boy lay on his gurney in silence while the blood dripped into his sister, until the doctor came over to see how he was doing. Then the boy opened his eyes and asked, "How soon until I start to die?"
Fortunately, Jesus already died for all of us! Especially at this time of year, stop and remember that He died on the cross that we all might live!
"He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me, Along the narrow Way. He Lives, He lives, Salvation to impart. You asked me how I know he lives? He Lives...within my heart!
God Bless!
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