Have you ever had a chance to "visualize" a book? Well I am thoroughly enjoying a "sound track" created by Doug Boren to back up his book, Beyond the Horizon which I reviewed some time ago. (http://www.dougboren.homestead.com/Beyond.html) No, it's not for sale because it's not original music; however, it definitely brings back scenes in the book and makes me want to read it again! If you like historical fiction, especially about the early days in America, you don't want to miss Doug's well-researched and exciting book!
Well, it’s been a busy time so am trying to catch up! First, have you ever wanted to read some of the classics? You’ve never seemed to have the time, but the desire is still there? Well, the publishing company that provides the daily sermonettes and Bible verses that I’ve mentioned, including poetry such as the following, by Dick Innes, is now providing an excellent way for you to read on a daily basis!
Words spoken may soon pass away
and forgotten me,
but when spoken in love and kindness
are like beautiful flowers,
and even though they fade and die
from conscious memory,
their fragrance lives on
embedded in the deeper mind-
--Dick Innes,
Here’s all you have to do! Go to http://www.arcamax.com/cgi-bin/news/channel/1049 and sign up for whatever books you want. They will come in serial form to you every day. Note that most of these books are older classics and I would imagine the copyright is no longer an issue…so you can acquire an entire library, and read as little or as much as you want each day!
Speaking of poetry! Following is the latest received by Thomas Kemp. His book, entitled Your Poet Is will be submitted to the publisher this month! I’ll keep you all informed as to when it is available!
Winter will be here again and again.
It comes during the dark of night or
Slips through the crack of sunshine on a preset day.
Year after year.
It is the deep cold,
below and around zero that seems to wound me the most.
When I walk outside and downtown and see the gray everywhere.
The gray day gets mixed somehow with green and red.
Christmas coming at me like a freight train.
Christmas and loving others both so unlike me,
I want to be loved this year excessively.
And speaking of being available! Check out the Rainbow’s End Publishing Company web site, which is helping to publicize Medical Misfit, a true story by Jalene Corbin. (http://www.rainbows-end-publish.com) I had the opportunity to meet Jalene when I reviewed her book and was so pleased when she asked if she could quote me (http://www.bookreviewers.org/medical_misfit.htm) on her back cover! If you have or are experiencing medical problems and are uncertain you are receiving proper care, you need to read this book! Like I said in my review, Ms. Corbin is one gutsy lady!
While you are out there on the BookReviewers’ site, check out my review for Decoding Potential by Robert J. Flower (http://www.bookreviewers.org/decoding_potential.htm) and TurnKey Investing with Lease-Options: How to Simply & Safely Create 12% Returns With Investment Property by Matthew S. Chan. Both of these are excellent books and if you have an interest in either of the topics, I fully recommend them to you!(http://www.bookreviewers.org/turnkey_investing_with_lease_options.htm).
Amidst all the business, I've finished a number of excellent books I want to tell you about next time!
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