Sunday, February 23, 2025

Daughters by Stuart Land - Science Fiction OR Prediction - Stunning Story Spotlighting Women's Issues of Today's World! Another Personal Favorite...


Artwork by Stuart Land

Title: Cry Out...

Stuart Land, in welcoming his audience, says, "Welcome to My Imagination..."

But, I had only learned of this prolific artiste through this one book... I was stunned by the book, just one of his creations!

And then my own imagination began to imagine the Why? of the book
Was it just imagination?

Or a Prediction?

Obviously, for me, who once would have used the secondary heading of her book, A Single Christian Woman:
Is Sex All That?

Found myself also using my imagination!

So I thought I'd share each of the options I first thought of... (1) Has God finally had it with men's abuse of women and gave us "The Big Flood" effect upon the earth? (Note that the Daughters also explored whether they were just like Mary and had been touched by God) even though I claim thinking it before presented...LOL (2) Were we going to be an Amazonian nation? (3) or, as found in the last part of this book...Lovely to consider and hope for?

 “Men believe most what they least understand.” Montaigne

I had soon given up the Amazonian concept, even though many women today, under the present governmental administration, have every right, in my opinion, to fight going backwards! In trying to force women and non-whites backward under his kingship, the entire world has turned upside down! But I digress...again...!

By the time I had finished the book, I had forgotten Chapter 1. I didn't want that to happen again... It is an important chapter... because before long there were many children dead from pregnancy--unwanted!
Twelve-year-old Nura bint Zayed stepped off the repainted weathered chair that had been in her family for countless generations and into the arms of Allah. One hour before, she had fainted in the spartan two room neighborhood clinic a kilometer from her home. The bite of the smelling salts had brought her back from the black cloak of protection her numbed mind awarded her. The doctor looking down from above, his eyes holding the sadness of surrendered faith, and the dismayed nurse behind him, were now part of the nightmare she couldn’t shake off. The first time she had vomited and fainted in the hallway outside the kitchen in her home her brothers, Afzal and Mis’id, chided her for eating too fast, although she had yet to eat a thing. Even though she felt weak, she went to school, but within an hour all queasiness had dissipated. She passed the episode from her mind until the following morning. This time the heat rose on her brow and her stomach danced as if filled with feathers reaching up into her throat. She barely made it to the toilet. Again, this condition passed within a few hours, but now she grew alarmed. If something’s wrong with the food, Nura thought, why was she the only one getting sick? Maybe the rest of the family were hiding their distress. But why would they? On the third day of nausea Nura went to her mother. With tenderness, her mother checked her tongue and throat for signs of infection, peered in her ears and beneath her eyelids. She inspected very inch of skin for possible wounds. Finding nothing to warrant ailment, she went to the kitchen to prepare ingredients for the time-honored family health remedy. Brewing this concoction was an objectionably odorous affair. But when finished, the auburn syrup had a rather sweet, if not spicy, flavor that tempted one to take more than was necessary. Although this prescription helped a great deal, the nausea persisted. After the initial week, Nura hid her morning sickness from her family, her friends, and the world. The thought of going to a clinic and costing her family money for an insignificant ailment filled her with dread. So many around her had real problems to contend with every day and they never complained. Some of her friends came to school hungry, eyelids drooping. Her best friend, Soraya, had lost the tip of her little finger to an infection of the fingernail. After the bandage came off she held out her tiny work-battered hands, and shrugged. It was hard to tell any difference from before. By two weeks, the nausea had subsided, but Nura’s stomach protruded more than she could hide. She brought down from her clothes cabinet the clay elephant she had made as a child to hold the money she was saving for her dowry. This funny-looking rotund beast had a slot on the back to accept her small donations but no opening to retrieve them. Outside, a few streets from her home, beyond the call of her mother, she broke open her animal bank. Picking the coins from the dirt, Nura dropped the uncounted money onto her handkerchief and gathered the corners up into a knot. Without a fleeting look back she stood and walked away, leaving the decimated elephant and her childhood behind. Nura returned home from the clinic in a stupor of overwhelming shame. Her short path through life had been written and it was not her right to know the meaning, only the outcome. Her family honor had to be above reproach, and she was old enough to understand the consequences for not abiding by tradition. She wanted her memories of her father and brothers to be those of joyful faces, not furious expressions and screaming condemnation. When Nura stepped off the chair, her only regret was never actually having known the touch of a man.


By Chapter 2 we move from a Muslim family to Africa where a young Black girl, very intelligent, realized what was happening to her body. But, she remembered the white man who was visiting the tribe, who had become somewhat of a friend, and she ran to him, seeking his immediate help, explaining that she was pregnant and that she knew his life would be in danger because they would think he was the one who had touched her and created a baby... He knew she was right and allowed her to lead him through the jungle, escaping the warriors that followed and soon was on a plane out of Africa back to his home in America.

What we soon learn that at the age of 12, before the age by which a woman can even become pregnant, girls across the world are indeed becoming pregnant, without ever having sex or any type of contact by outsiders related to pregnancy. In the meantime, we have a couple in America who is a doctor and a genetics expert who work within a local clinic, doing both research and patient care...

And their daughter became pregnant...

Soon a professor from Russia becomes involved with a young Russian girl who is now pregnant... He has the credentials to begin searching around to see if this is a lone case, or...not! Soon, he is escorting his young friend to America, where the American Government is now involved, due to the crisis which has arisen because of the proliferation of...Virgin...Mothers! Soon to be called V-girls...

Getting excited? It becomes even more stunning. As the girls are examined, it is discovered that the pregnancy is moving fast-paced. What a women could expect to see her child at the, say, one month, time frame, actually is much further along in the girls' pregnancies. Yes, all of them! Soon a Special Agent and his partner have been assigned to oversee what is happening at every level of the girls' lives... reporting directly to the White House, often...

Because people all over the world are panicking! How are these girls becoming pregnant? Parents want to know, Social Workers want to know, City and State caregivers want to know... And, they're blaming the government of conducting some type of horrible research activities!

It was verified that no such research, anywhere, had taken place!!!

Ultimately, four girls were the main study group, out of this centralized clinic where two gifted professionals were already involved in the investigation. The daughter, Kim, of these two professionals, Ayira, the young girl from Africa, the girl from Russia, another American girl, Shonda, and as the research and examinations began, 12 more girls showed up at the doctor's clinic... Soon there were sites all over the world where specialists were brought in to consider all things that can be affected by pregnancy would be examined. A neurologist and optometrist were soon added to the prime location which was being monitored by the FBI.

Soon all of the central group's babies were born. All were girls... Well, to be more specific, they had no genitalia... And it remained that way as they continued to grow, at the same rate as had been established during their mothers' pregnancies...

As the story moves on, these children grew older than their mothers...

And, still, the babies showed no sign of any genitalia. Worse, in many ways, those parents who chose to try for an abortion of their pregnant daughter, discovered, too late, that the child would die each time...

The above is essentially an overview of Part I. Part II moves us into the daily lives of those children as they deal with both private and world-wide concerns brought about by a major change in the structure of a woman's body. At the same time, those children in the central group are dealing with going to school, meeting many more "normal" peers in their lives than they've ever known before. And, yet, still not understanding exactly what they really were, biologically... But soon, they will learn...

This is a must-read for all those interested in the science of the human body and the medical care of those bodies. I also consider it a must-read for all women, purely for the speculative value of the story... And, more importantly how the present administration is trying to take us backwards into when women had no rights and we forced to carry a child even thought their death could result--and many did! We all know the present catastrophic situation that has been brought forth by the republican party and billionaires wishing control... This is not why Jesus died!

But, more, I found many personal responses, as mentioned above...

Folks, we are in a world right now, under the direction of a group of rich white men who are doing everything possible to destroy America as it has grown in so many ways... And destroy all improvements in the lives of those, like myself, who have worked steadily in one way or another, to improve women's rights, as well as the rights of all individuals who have been discriminated against by mostly white men... No, I do not mean that women should fight physically like the Amazonians, to take care of themselves through violence, when necessary. 

But, I have come to the conclusion during the last 10 years or so, that we, those people on earth, have failed miserably in moving forward from the B.C. time and into A.D. time, which was based upon the birth of Christ and now accepted in America.  Over 2000 years have passed and we still have major issues that were identified in The Bible, which was written by men after Christ's death on the cross and again lived!

Instead of following what He said, the historical records in the Old Testament were retained... Stories of lust, stories of rape, stories of murder which may have been accurate, but, surely were not to be allowed to continue... When Jesus offered LOVE instead!

I'm not going to say too much about the above videos on Greatness, other than to say, the video announcing the set had popped up on every single search I've been doing on YouTube... It seems to me that many in the world have lost direction... Instead of following the words of Jesus to Love--Love God and Love our Neighbors, we have continued to study about the kings and wars and sexual activities that were described in the Old Testament. And from a personal belief standpoint, we have moved on from there based upon our own personal experiences--good or bad.

Is Sex All That? We now have a convicted felon of Sexual Abuse as our president. We know that his history with women has been so egregious that millions of women marched in Washington to protest the selection of Donald Trump. I could go on and on with examples of his misogyny.

Just as King David's daughter, I learned about sex well before the time that I should have...Yet, the story of that young princess never had an ending, except that it led to murder--and another murder! I find it only natural to assume that sex has become the cause of many many problems between men and women, and in families... So, Is Sex All that? Divorces are most often caused by sexual infidelity. Infidelity is often caused by jealousy, immaturity, fear, or even anger...

Did we never learn from Jesus how to Love our God and Love our Neighbors?

So where am I going with this major diversion from the book? Well, I can only explain by giving away the end of the book... Shall I? No, I don't think so. This is a book you must experience from the very first page when a young girl is driven to commit suicide due to fear of retribution from her family--from her neighbors...

But, I will refer you back to my first assumption above... To me, my entire involvement with this book with the videos has been another God Incident for me...and maybe some of you?

We have reached in my lifetime (and yours) what appears to be the worst ever events ever to occur in America... All caused by one individual who wants to be King, or even God... He wants the riches of all coming directly to him for his use. No matter how many lives of the "small people" will be so hurt that many could die--from lack of medical care... Most of us see it, recognize it... Some, though, either have the same mindset of greed, selfishness and prejudice. Or, they are too afraid to fight back, even while their lives are being destroyed. I'm old enough not to change my basic beliefs as directed by Jesus. And I have no reason to fear, even if I'm eyeballed for elimination as Trump and Musk are doing daily to millions! 

Girls, women and others have for the last 2000 years been downtrodden, depressed, denigrated and often, abused, even sold by human traffickers, and sold to rich men as slaves or concubines or mistresses... 
Perhaps God himself did decide Enough is Enough. After all, he could still remember that a group of men surrounding a young girl who had used sex to gain food for her table, perhaps her family as well, and planned on stoning that girl to death based upon their catching her in "sin" against their religious laws... 
If Jesus would do a "Stop the Crap!" act, what do you thing He would do NOW?
Perhaps exactly what was imagined by Author Stuart Land in Daughters

And I and millions of women and men and girls and boys would be singing at His Great Gift! Forgiving Us Once Again and Sharing His Love...and Truth...once again across the Earth~

Take the imagination of Stuart Land, add the imagination of a Single Christian Woman who asks, "Is Sex All That?" and you're seeing the results... Now all you have to do is check out this Fantastic, Scary, Stunning, and A Stupendous Possible Prediction for All of Our God's children! Will we in turn lose our Free Will, I wonder... I doubt it... But God has been known to wipe out earth and start over... Maybe the Daughters was inspired?

Enjoy! and let me know what you think!


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