Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas 2024 - Too Hot to Handel: The Gospel Messiah at the Royal Albert Hall - Open Memoir...




What a Wonderful Way to Celebrate the Birth of Jesus! The Reason for the Season! 

I was fortunate to have taped the relatively new version of the Messiah which was being performed at the Royal Albert Hall this year. Classical Music has been an ongoing part of my world since early years when I was spending time with my mother's sister and her husband, as my mother worked, seemingly, so many jobs I couldn't keep count... For a child that meant 24-7. I was fortunate to listen to the Classical greats from that time and have continued to love them...

But I was thrilled to hear a new version played this year! Too Hot to Handel: The Gospel Messiah! Now don't get excited if you've been listening to this Handel composition since your early years and are quite happy with it. No problem, Handel's Messiah is still available! I have found that, though, as the music world has expanded and moved into different genres, I've so enjoyed with those new presentations by living participants... I've included an original promo from 2010 which shares how the conductor came to continue the basic composition, while being reinvented for today's world--that is, the music of recent centuries!

For me, it brought a new glory for our Lord--one that recognizes, in my mind, what God expects from us. That we would continue to grow, to learn and to share the Love of God in all ways and for all people!

Unfortunately, the full 2024 is not yet available on YouTube, but I found many videos which presented what is happening in the Gospel genre! Some all vocal, others with parts that have been given a new beat, such as jazz! And you may be able to find it on your local public television television station.

I especially enjoyed the trumpet, drums and sax as they provided a new experience for us to sway or tap our foot, knowing that from ages past, we have always "danced to the Lord..."
In the Bible, Psalms 149:3 says, “Let them praise his name with dancing…Praise him with tambourine and dance…” In 2 Samuel 6:14–22, David dances before the Lord with all his might, providing us with a wonderful example of what it truly means to surrender to God in worship.

 I've always loved to sing in a choir and cannot remember when I was not singing songs telling of God's Truth and His Love for all. I've only had one opportunity, however, to be involved in a major event such as The Messiah. That time was the presentation of  Mendelssohn's Elijah.

It was sponsored as a Community Choir--Fourteenth Annual Concert Gala, by West Virginia University. Held in th concert Theatre on March 17, 1979, I was thrilled to, having been required to audition, be accepted for the choir...  I still have my nearly 200-page book which was marked up for  lines I would be singing, along with guidelines from the conductor. It was one of the great joys of my life. As you can see it takes over 2 hours to present... It was quite a different experience for me. I tend to sing solos as I feel the song comes to me. And normal hymns are pretty standard tempo and is sung along with the pianist as she plays it. This concert with full orchestra as well as a choir, as well as a conductor required much more attention to the words and conductor. Wow!

My one and only greater experience was singing at the Billy Graham crusades, of hundreds of participants, under the direction of George Beverly Shea, whose voice gave me chills... I can still hear in my mind his solo of How Great Thou Art, with the choir coming in on the chorus. This video was dated 1957 and this seems to be around the time that I participated...  I remember I was one of the sopranos that could close out the song on a high note that many could not reach... Wonderful times!

I'm closing out with a few of my favorites and wishing you a wonderful time to remember His Birthday is here once again!

Selections are by my favorites such as Andre Bocelli, here with His Son.  Jesus is Indeed the Reason for the Season...

Closing with several favorite Christmas songs... by The Piano Guys and Andre Bocelli and more(my favorite singers and piano presenters).

God Bless Us All
Jesus IS the Reason for the Season!

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