Saturday, April 6, 2024

Doug Simpson Presents Abandoned Soul: Book V of The Dacoue Chronicles! A Lovely Dream Message Story


Unusual Dream 
Dacque awoke with the standard jolt at the conclusion of his short dream. The clock read 4:45. “Right on schedule, but that one was certainly an unusual dream,” he said out loud to himself as he tapped on the light on the nightstand. Picking up his trusty notepad and pen, he wrote down his most recent message from the Heavenly Powers. Before you go to bed this evening, make sure you leave one of the back doors of your automobile unlocked. Someone needs your protection. 
Dream Installment
Dacque awoke for the second night in a row with the familiar jolt following another dream. The clock read 4:47. “Pretty darn consistent on the timing, that’s for sure, but I don’t recall ever receiving messages two nights in a row, before. This one certainly makes sense this time around, though.” He tapped on the light and grabbed the pad and pen beside it. Quickly, Dacque began to write the details of this longer message as best as he could recollect it. 
There is a teenage girl sleeping in the back seat of your automobile. You must protect her from harm. She will tell you that her name is Mary Smith, but it is not her true name. She will tell you she is eighteen, but she is not. Keep her safe. Dacque, somewhat grudgingly, dragged his semi-awake torso off of the bed and threw on his clothes. He picked up a flashlight on his way past the kitchen drawer where it resided and headed towards the apartment door. The night air was crisp but not cold. The evening storm had turned silent, but the lingering clouds concealed the moon and the stars. There was not a sound to be heard in the parking lot behind his apartment complex except for his shoes squeaking on the wet asphalt under his feet. 
When Dacque reached his vehicle, he circled around the rear to the driver’s side, back door that he had obediently left unlocked the evening before. The glow from the street light in the parking lot to the left of his car shone through the side window and the figure of a person, curled up in the back seat, was impossible to miss. Dacque could not definitively determine whether it was a female or not from the rear view that was presented to him, but he had no reason to doubt the message that he received only minutes earlier. Dacque quietly checked the back door. The squatter had not bothered to lock it. He gently opened the door and paused, waiting for a reaction. The dormant figure did not move. Dacque turned on the flashlight but pointed it down by his feet. Reaching inside, he grabbed a hold of the well-worn running shoe on the top foot of the stacked pair and jiggled it back and forth. The squatter rolled over on its back but did not open its eyes. By the shape of her figure, Dacque was now certain that it indeed was the teenage girl spoken of in his dream. He shook the other foot this time. The young lady opened her eyes, sat up suddenly and glared at him for a second or two before swiftly turning towards the exit door behind her. 
“Mary Smith! Do not run away. I will not harm you. I am here to help you,” Dacque shouted. The girl stopped for a second or two and then turned and stared at Dacque inquisitively. “Who are you? How do you know my name? What do you want?” “My name is Dacque LaRose. You are sleeping in my vehicle, but that is okay because I expected you and left this door open last night so you could get in.” “Are you crazy, old man?” “I have no doubt that it sounds pretty crazy to you, but I can prove all of this to you if you will just sit still and listen to me for a minute or two. 
For some reason, God has chosen me as one of His helpers. I receive messages in my dreams or voices in my ear or head, from one or more of God’s messengers. Twenty-four hours ago I was told in a dream to leave a rear door unlocked in my car last night, as someone needed my protection, so I obediently followed that instruction. Then, just a few minutes ago, while sleeping in my apartment, I received another message in a second dream. It revealed that there was a teenage girl sleeping in the back seat of my car, she uses the name Mary Smith, but it is not her real name. She tells people she is eighteen, but she is not, yet. I was also instructed to keep her safe from harm. Does that sound at all like you?” 
The bewildered girl frowned and then slowly shook her head back and forth. “How can you know all that?” “God knows everything, so His messengers relayed that message to me and somehow managed to arrange for you to find my vehicle with the back door left unlocked specifically for you. I’m sure it all sounds impossible to you, but I have a little more proof.” “And what is that?” “When I wake up after a dream message, I immediately write it down on a notepad beside my bed. I can show you my notes, inside.” “Are you just a dirty old man trying to get me into your bedroom?” Dacque smiled. “That is a fair question.” He raised the flashlight that had remained pointed at the pavement while they conversed and shone it on the side of his face. “I am old enough to be your grandfather, and maybe even your great-grandfather. I have a lady-friend who is old enough to be your grandmother. I certainly do not need to mess around with a young teenager.” 
“What are you supposed to be protecting me from?” “I have not yet been given a reason. My past experience with God’s messages has taught me that they contain only the required information for the present, and then future installments follow as needed. Can you think of any imminent danger that you might be in?” “No, not really, but I am aware that a young woman living on the streets assumes risks that the older street people do not have to contend with.” “I am sure that is true. So, are you going to give me an opportunity to prove my sincerity here, or are you going to run away on me?” “And just how do you propose to do that?” “Good question. Not so easy to answer, but I’ll give it a try. 
I have previously received messages from God’s messengers, not often but a few times, to go out and assist total strangers, just like you. I have never once considered that any of them might harm me. I do not believe God would ever direct me to help anyone who would turn around and harm me, and that includes you. So, I am going to make you an outrageous proposal. You have every right to be suspicious of me and the possibility that I could harm you. I understand that entirely. Because I have unconditional trust in you, I want you to feel safe in my company and in my home, which actually is an apartment. 
My outrageous suggestion is that I will present you with the longest butcher knife in my kitchen drawers and you can literally hold on to it as your protective weapon whenever you are with me. Would that make you feel safer while you are in my company?” “I guess so. Are you that sure I won’t slit your throat and run off with your money?” Dacque grinned. 
“You will not do that. God will not let you harm me. Do you have a better suggestion?” “Not really.” “Okay, let’s go up to my apartment. I will bring you your butcher knife before you even cross the threshold to my apartment.” “You really are not afraid that I will use it to rob you or whatever?” “Like I said, I know you won’t do that. I have High connections, remember?” “So you tell me.”

I'm a Believer in God's Messages--no matter how or why. I believe because I also receive messages--you know, the ones which I call God Incidents... Simpson has a connection as it relates to past lives. I have no experience in that field of the paranormal, but have no reason to discount such experiences. With that said, I really enjoyed this story. Even without the past-life activities... Or, said another way, it was intriguing to me to learn how such messages could evolve via those who have connected from past lives... In my opinion, we humans have not yet arrived at the point of fully accepting, fully knowing all of the supernatural activities of God Almighty. It makes sense, therefore, to be open for whatever way He may communicate with each of us...

The story begins as a young girl has found her way into the back seat of a car... She's a runaway, alone now, and has no one to turn to. She had been in the Welfare system but after having the men in those homes try sexual contacts, and her reporting them, she has been placed in a group home where she meets a young man about her age... On a whim, when they are taking a walk and see an open van, they decide to take off and make it on their own... They had learned that as soon as you go into a town, check to see if they had a place where charity provided meals and they kept going south where it would be warm... But, for some reason, the boy had disappeared and she didn't feel she could wait to find out what happened to him!

Winding up in a location where Dacoue was certainly able to receive God's guidance was the first miracle. Soon, she was staying with Dacoue in a guest bedroom. Next, since Dacoue was known across his area, he was able to pick up the phone and call a friend who had a daughter who might have clothes that she could wear...

But, almost immediately, the two girls became friends and her mother realized that something even more miraculous was to be discovered...

You know, folks, God eyes are moving all over the world(s) at any given time. Our time. Because God reigns forever and His plans just might start in one time period and finish in the present! This is how the ending will happen for this young girl... He fights for each of us who has been wounded by hate, violence, and abuse. There is an answer... Doug Simpson has created a series that is based upon the wondrous power of our God... Consider it the paranormal, consider it science fiction... But do, also, consider that this story just may be true... It is also Heartwarming!


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