,,,Franklin understood the inherent value of virtue in society, apart from what it was that made one virtuous, whether religion or simple cultural habit, or a combination of the two.
Today's Reality
People must understand that their responsibilities as citizens are so serious as to be vital to the democracy itself. If the voter is not voluntarily selfless to some extent, and does not merely think of himself but of others; and if he does not think just about the present, but about the future, it all falls apart over time. Self-government will not work unless the citizens bear the responsibility to vote in such a way that continues their freedoms and their ability to have free elections, that continues their economic prosperity. They have to vote in a way that does not trade the future for the present.
How long did it take us to get where we are today? Perhaps it lasted only for a short time? Or, perhaps a century later we begin to see how it really impacts us...
Two issues are dominant for your consideration.
Constructing the Constitution was not an easy task. Yet it was created within 100 days! OK, let's face it, it is rare that anything substantive goes through Congress in as many days. Is that cause for alarm? I think so.
It was in fact the northern, antislavery states that wanted to put this in the document. That’s because the “slave states” selfishly and cynically wanted their powerless slaves to count toward their states’ official populations—so that these states would have more power in Congress. Because the number of representatives in the House of Representatives goes by a state’s population, counting slaves would give much more power to the slave states.
If slaves were counted, those who owned them would get more power, and of course, the slaves would get none. The northern free states knew that that was wrong. But in order to move ahead, they were forced to compromise, eventually deciding that the slavery states could count their slave populations as three fifths of what they had wanted. So quite contrary to what is often understood, the three-fifths clause was a hard-fought victory for the free states over the slave states. Like many compromises, it had its ugly side...
Could it be that, even after decades of continued disagreement, we are now even more so dealing with the issue of the Black vote, as many republican states are acting against what the constitution guarantees, so that they are making it harder and harder for many individuals, including black voters, to actually be counted in our elections? Lies are being used--the election was rigged, a fraud, and The Big Lie continues to this day as the former president and his republican supporters deny that the election could not possibly have been correct. As we know, the Black Vote for Biden carried him through to The Big Win... And every action which is being taken is an attempt to stop what the country clearly wants...
So what happened to get through the monumental disagreements that needed to be negotiated. Well, once again, the knowledge that God had a hand in what was happening turned the tide... Members began to concern themselves with the good of the many--the good of the country--rather than their own self or state's goals... And after getting it done, it was still not enough. Because, the words of the Constitution had to carry the United States into the future! Into 2020, 2022, and beyond...
If you are an American, you have tacitly agreed to join that group, to keep the republic Franklin spoke of that day. You might say that I’ve written this book to inform you of what you’ve gotten yourself into, because we really ought to know. In fact, if we haven’t known about this, and most of us have not, there has been a profound disconnect in our relationship with our country. If we Americans cease to know that we are part of that group charged with the terrible and wonderful burden of keeping this glorious promise, the promise is already being broken and will soon be irrevocably so...
That flame was passed from them to others, who passed it to others, who passed it to others—and it is at this moment in history in our hands, yours and mine. The burden of “keeping it,” as Franklin said, is excruciatingly important. And here is the main reason for that: Once it goes out, it goes out forever. If the flame given to us goes out, we not only lose the light ourselves forever but will also lose the ability to pass it along to all those others who are waiting for it. That is what makes keeping it so important and the thought of letting it go out so terrible and tragic...
A second issue considered was that of our country being seen across the world as a place where freedom existed. As a leader in the Creation and Ongoing liberty available here in America, even the French and other countries saw what was happening...and that is when "She" arrived on our shores... a gift from France highlighting the welcoming arms of America to immigrants from all countries...all nations...
We even shared words to that effect: Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses Yearning to be Free! And our arms have been opened for decades, for centuries... And so, as America we lifted our arms and hearts to those in need of support, just as we are doing for the Ukraine citizens who are being forced from a war led by an autocrat in a country that is not...free...
I hope you've learned enough about what this book provides--a look back at the beginning...and then moving on into specific issues of whether that democracy can exist forever... Right now, we are, perhaps, facing one of the most important times in our history.
“America is the only nation
that is founded on a creed.”
America is still the only one that can be described that way? And yet it is. And the creed upon which it is founded is not a parochial creed but a universal one, declaring that all men are created equal and that government exists only by the consent of the governed. As President Truman put it, “Being an American is more than a matter of where you or your parents came from. It is a belief that all men are created free and equal.” This touches upon another way we are exceptional. We do not give preference based on one’s family or one’s race or beliefs. We are a merit-based society where people of every background can rise as they please. Of course, there are caveats to this idea, but the truth is nonetheless overwhelming.
So, right now, let's look at some of those caveats of today's history...
January 6th, The Insurrection!
Jews Will Not Replace us March in Virginia
White Supremacists
Trump/Sessions Separates Children from Parents
Trump holds money back from Ukraine
Impeachment 2
House Impeaches Trump for Obstruction...
Impeachment 1
Women Vote Against Trump for President
Evangelicals Make a Deal with Trump
Let's again look at the main issue that allowed America to be formed... Religious Freedom. Consider this, Folks, Religion is what gave most us our moral code--the belief in and commitment to basic humanitarian goals. America became The United States of America... With One Creed:
It is a belief that all men are created free and equal.”
All are created Free and Equal
All are Created Free and Equal
All are Created Free and Equal
All are Created Free and Equal
So where does that leave us now? Well, here's what I see... The Caveats (a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations) Have Gotten Out of Control, especially in the last 5 years, but also starting within the 50 last years as stated by Metaxas.
Personally, I started watching when Trump was elected... I was one of those women across America that could not believe that a presidential candidate who talked about grabbing women's genitals, could also be running as a republican...Then talk about how many women have filed abuse suits against him, together with the two most prominent who became top news about his affairs... But that didn't seem to matter, especially to the Evangelical Christians... I kept digging, doing my research, and learned that a deal had been struck... Trump would support the issues of importance to Christians (whatever they were, certainly not the words of Christ who told us to love our neighbors)... and then he could do anything he wanted...
So, what do you think the creators of the Constitution did when they heard that? Yeah...they're turning over in their graves! I've included a series of videos above in case you want to check them out... It begins with the deal-- and moves upward until the Insurrection on January 6th... And the Christians apparently still support him, right?
Wrong...Not me! And many others... We took what America stood for... Our Creed: All...are Created Free and Equal. That means, to me, when Black athletes take a knee in protest because the legal system discriminates against Blacks...that I also take a knee...
That means when Jewish synagogues are attacked because of their religion or ethnic background...that also affects me and my creed...
When lies are made to prevent those seeking asylum into America, even to the extent that children are taken from their parents...and lost in the system, where they are still being hunted...that affects me...
And when the Justice System also tried to prevent the Mueller report from being accepted based on the truth...that vote to show guilt of impeachment for Obstruction of Justice is made by me because I believe in our Creed...
And when money was held back from Ukraine, even though it was approved by Congress, then I also vote for impeachment 2...
And surely you all know that I believe I voted correctly in the 2020 election, freely and in support of the Constitution... And condemn all those involved with the January 6th Insurrection... Because It is Not in support of our Creed.
One major thing I did have come out of reading this book. I became more of an American than I Ever Have Been. Because when you are confronted with the reality of what is happening in America--Right Now! Then you Must also face, that we no longer are considered free and equal... And until those who are doing what they are doing...STOP... America as a democracy cannot stand...
I am more convinced than ever that America is facing a crisis that is uniquely one that no other country can ever face...
We have failed to keep freedom of religion as a right, a privilege,
and the creed of America...
Why Do I Say That...
Because it can't be both ways
We open our arms, our land to all, regardless of...
ethnic or religious background
But, we apparently want Christianity as a State Religion?
No? then why are we allowing Non-Christians, as well as those of ethnic backgrounds to be Terrorized, with religious houses of worship being targeted by domestic terrorists... and the recipients of Violence, so that even the Capitol of our Nation can be Destroyed by Insurrection?
A Final Note:
I Am A Christian
And I do NOT support anything revealed in any of the Videos (and more)
America is my country, Not My Religion
I respect America's Creed to Ensure Ethnic and Religious Freedom for All!
When Everybody Can Speak of Liberty
Only Then Will We Stand as in Compliance
With the Creed
With the Constitution...
Are you Able to be a Constitutional American?
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