It's been years since I've felt excited to be writing a review on my latest read... Perhaps it has been because my attention had been turned to the president rather than on books. I knew depression had set in--big time! The thing is: I Just Couldn't Understand the "Why?" of Trump. Thanks to Mary Trump's book, now I can.
It turns out to be a family biography like no other... Mary, a once central member of the Trump family has now revealed her "Why?" Of her need to write this book. There is a hint--a big revenge one--for Mary writing the book... But, believe it or not, it is NOT the major reason for her words...
More, it is a warning to Americans--Here's Why the president needs to be removed...
For those of us who've been watching since his campaign, worried, and becoming amazed, as well as frustrated, as to the "why?" he was elected, I believe this book may be your answer. It is not, simply, the difference in one political party versus another... We have seen everything that Mary Trump talks about and wondered... Now, Mary has provided the "context" into which the entire life and family and the present president is now captured...
And know why he can't help himself in his actions... It is...too late...for him to change...
We begin watching Trump's early life within a family where the father was a sociopath--where he was the one and only authority and everybody feared him. Indeed, we can also say that Fred Trump was able to dedicate himself to his career, so much so that it became the only thing that was important to him... But, he knew one thing, he personally had some limitations that affected his image for his company which are, literally, bringing in millions daily...
Much of his backing was from the FHA, perhaps legitimate in the beginning. But then, as connections were made and Fred learned of the money that was available at the Federal level, he began to expand and increase his income...
But his image--that was still a problem. In order to expand, he needed a face. His first son, Freddie, was the apparent choice...Freddie is Mary's father.
When that failed, as clearly shown in the book, Fred turned to Donald. By that time, Donald had been watching and learning within "the House." What occurs during the early years and on into the ongoing years, is revealing. Not only revealing, but it makes everything that is happening now, within the White House, at least understandable to those of us who've kept asking, "Why?"
An authoritarian father who placed money above his family, in his fear to ensure his empire would continue, expand? Surely, many of us will immediately see the parallel to today's Trump's infatuation with Putin, et. al.
What we also see is that Donald, in watching how his father treated family and others, he learned from him...and surpassed him...
Now he is using his tools to obfuscate, distract, and engender fear from many, but, more importantly, has developed a charisma that actually fools those who begin by providing loyalty--until--they are no longer useful...
Wow! An Amazing family drama that is right out of the headlines, from the beginning, to, perhaps, the final chapter of the Trump empire. I want to personally thank Mary Trump for her story. For whatever reason, many of my family have chosen Trump as their leader while I have not. I see him for what he is. Mary Trump's story has proven that I am seeing the real Donald Trump.
She includes actions related to the present pandemic in her closing chapters. It is an important addition, timely story that could not have been told by anybody other than Mary. You'll see why. Her decision to work to gain the educational background to better understand and write about her uncle has proven to produce a book worthy of not only being recommended... But declared a must-read! You've done what needed to be done, Mary Trump! I'm proud of you and your desire and, willingness, to share this important, yet, in many ways, unbelievable story of the family dynasty that, slowly, may be dying away...

Hello Glenda!
ReplyDeleteYour REVIEW has the right touch and interest to persuade me to buy the book! Thank you.
Charlotte M. Liebel (Sharliebel)