Thursday, July 27, 2006
Some Unknown Writers Give Us So Much!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Adolfo Caso's Latest Poem
A hot, muggy day...just the day for a good read...I finished Just a Short Walk on the Beach, by Neal Tyner which obviously had me thinking vacation, vacation...and beautiful water! I've finished my review and if you're heading for the car right now, stop at the Bookstore...or we'll be posting my review soon...to help convince you!
And speaking of vacation, Adolfo Caso, sent me his latest as he's catching up with things while taking his vacation! What do you think?
The Poem
Undulating to the light breeze,
Resting on the hammock
Between two ancient oaks
At the edge
Of the shimmering waters
Of Big Island Pond.
My eyes flickering
As though the twilight
Were emerging in full
And my consciousness
Giving in to the oncoming sleep.
On each opening of the eyelids
Verdant waters reflecting pines
Along the deep edge of the forest
And liquid red and yellow
Painting canvasses
With the brush of a master.
In building my poem,
How to infuse the words
With the rippling colors?
How to choose words
To carry my conscience?
Closed, my eyelids screen
Morphing images without origin,
Beyond fantasy,
And, to end in disappearing details
Without destiny—
Frightfully mesmerizing
As to break my
Virgilian séance:
If I were a master of the brush
I could create a new earth
All the while knowing
The world is always the same
And never changing.
Full clouds reflecting
On a patch of sparkling water,
Eliminating their distance
While tiny ripples of bubblets
Spring upwards from within the earth
Breaking the surface of the water,
Without noise.
Water being the conduit to new forms,
Will it be the egg for a new speckled trout?
Or, the genesis of a pup?
Errant thoughts
Without dimension or perspective
Confusing the mind
Until the sleep turns off the screen
And I am dead
To a world in paradise!
First a rustling,
Then a tug at the hammock,
My eyes open onto little Elizabeth
Full of red hair.
My arm extended
She climbs aboard,
Without a word:
Stretching her legs along my side,
One hand on my bountiful belly,
Her head snug into my chest,
Both sharing paradise.
Suddenly, all confusions cleared:
Elizabeth is the poem! (U)
I'll never know how such beautiful words can evolve into a perfect little story...yet that is what happens, doesn't it! If you enjoy poetry, you MUST check out Adolfo's new CD now available at Amazon! If you need to check out my review first, here's the link and we'll be updating our site to highlight its availability soon!
Take enough books on your vacation and Happy Reading!
On of my email friends sent the following...I liked it enough to share with you!
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.