Saturday, May 11, 2024

Open Memoir: A Single Christian Woman: Is Sex...All...That?! It Really Began with the Infamous Tape-- You know Which One I Mean...


Would you believe--because I can hardly believe what is happening here at Book Readers Heaven--that I was wondering how to begin this "beginning" of the thrust of this particular book and this video popped up as soon as I opened YouTube... I had already listened to the recorded one this morning as I ate breakfast. (Actually, in my opinion, as I saw the female lawyer secretly smiling, I decided that she had done it on purpose! What a payback for a woman to use the opportunity to do what she did! Of course, that is my own opinion, of courst)

Actually I was going out to another specific video...but I'll add that later...

Here is the issue I want to bring up as the whole sex issue! During my own lifetime, I have watched movies and television movies getting more and more open with overt sexuality. Worse, I have been even more horrified that the violence has even more greatly increased... In fact, for me, who is a forensics kind of interested individual, I decided that Criminal Minds was just beyond what I wanted to "agree" to watch...

So, where am I going with this?

As you know, maybe, from earlier posts, I had originally conceived of a personal memoir when I chose that title. However, during the last few years, I have been, frankly appalled as to what has been happening in America...

Take for instance, the fact that, even though we voted the last president out of Office, HE HAS REFUSED TO LEAVE AND HAS DISRUPTED AMERICA EVEN MORE!

But, as I continued to read more relevant books, it is clear that Donald Trump is just a major pain in the problem situation in which America now must live...

Let me give you a specific example! I'd like you to think about the fact that during the pre-election of 2116, somehow Trump received more television access than Clinton. I won't say I've researched that, but it just seemed to me to be the case. After all, I readily admit that, until I heard the infamous tape, well...

Ok, I need to give a little background for me first. I had never had the time, nor, really, the interest to get more involved in politics. In fact, I had not registered to vote after I moved to my present home, until I heard that this man was running for president! Just as I continue to be, I was livid! And, even until I found the tape below, I couldn't understand why Bush got fired...while

I had begun my career in the Personnel Office at West Virginia University, I naturally became interested in laws affecting employment. In fact, I chose to begin reading the reports from the Bureau of National Affairs which came to my boss, by then, the Director of Personnel. I would highlight the ones that related to issues that I thought he should ensure he read.

Later I became involved with both the National Secretaries Association (active at that time) as well as two on campus groups: The Staff Council and the Council for Women's Concerns. I was elected to the former and appointed to the latter. Needless to say I am quite willing to be known as somebody who has been working on activities related to things such as Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Equal Pay for Equal Work, Sexual Harassment Issues. In other words, all things related to providing support to working men and women. 

I had at least heard of Billy Bush, but not Trump (I am not a fan of any type of reality show). So why was Bush fired? But not Trump?

I'm sure many of you will already understand where I am going... but, hey, it's my time to share, so, I hope I can make your time interesting...

I started watching CNN for most of my tv time. I quickly saw that I had been right. Trump was not a good man. And certainly was not qualified, in my opinion, to be president! Remember, if you will, that I worked for 37 years on a land-grant university campus--all in administration in various offices. In addition to two administrative offices--Personnel and Facilities Management--I also worked directly as personal secretary to the Provost for Instruction, second in command to the President. And the Provost for Instruction. Responsible for all academic and other programs on campus. Because of the duties and responsibilities assigned, I had extensive knowledge of what was handled in every part of this institution.

I consider this experience, although not as broad as nation-wide, was state-wide and very similar to what happens at the national level. I'll be writing more on specifics as I move forward...My highest level of working there was as Acting Director of Facilities Planning and Management. I was responsible for reporting to the federal government as required, and to the State Board of Regents for WV Educational institutions.

In fact, one of my responsibilities was lease management as we often leased to, or leased from, other agencies, as needed. Also, as Acting Director, I was responsible for the multi-million dollar capital budget and all financial matters related to new buildings, land management and repairs and alterations.... That is why I knew that Donald Trump, no matter how much he was known as a real estate "tycoon" would have absolutely no ability to deal with the wider program  planning and development of the federal government!

But of course, that did not stop what happened...

And, in my mind, more importantly, that did not account for the surprise support of the evangelical christians...

I wanted to know WHY!

And I've been working off and on, through 4 different surgeries and physical therapy, to determine the answer to that question!

Now, I find, quite unexpectedly, but, thankfully, that God is Helping me do just that. I believe He wants all of us to speak out about what has been and is continuing to happen. And, for me, He is guiding me to the books (with help from many writers who are writing) that can provide little or large clues by which I will conduct my investigation of an avid amateur mystery fan... LOL

That's on another page, but we have begun... If any of you are Prayer Warriors, which I'm not, I'm one who wants to get moving--as you may have noticed... I would be thankful for your involvement in this or other ways. But, all of you have to admit, this is serious... I believe Joe Biden... Our Souls - The Soul of the Nation is at stake.

In His Name...


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