Saturday, May 11, 2024

Open Memoir - I Am - Emotionally Damaged - Beware! I'm Speaking Out! And, Adding An Apology to Friend/Update

I decided to include this for others to see what happens when I get upset about something... this time, I'd heard just too many news people talk about our President looking frail, while at the same time I have to learn all the details about our past president and the republican nominee having committed a crime, committing adultery, while he was hiding it from the people of America during the 2016 election!

From a Facebook Post

Just a thought - age is pretty much all in your head (and knees and back but who's counting). 🙃

True, but this creation was showing off his wonderful merge of of building and structure, but, not so much of actually living life... Consider that his use of natural rock on the main floor was extremely hard and cold, not to mention if you did succeed to fall asleep you might walk right out of the room into a pool and possibly drown...and as for the bedrooms? I had a larger bedroom on a cruise ship than he provided for those staying overnight... Well, I'll close that I just had to spotlight my knowledge of this structure...It was designed as a summer home so it really would never have made it through the year in the location where it was built... It's within driving distance from my log cabin, however... It's a wonderful and beautiful place to visit...but I think I'll stay warm in my cozy log cabin...BTW...age is not a factor for anything in my opinion... It's the use of God's gifts that he's given us for the good of the world...After all, most of God's early prophets were older than most of our present living presidents... Thanks for the post!

A critic  Just to let you know that the point of the post is not lost on me! I didn't take it as a critique on Wright’s architecture. It’s nice to hear. Too often I think I’m too old to complete my writing. Thanks for the reminder that only ‘dead’ is too late.

I wouldn't live in one of his houses but how fascinating to look at them.

Ahhh Merikay and Bruce, neither of you picked upon on the bragging I was attempting about having a famous and historical building nearby... I find it is hard these days...If you joke, you get criticized. If you tell the truth, you get blamed for being a democrat...LOL... I got the point. I'm in that generation and do not feel that anybody should ever be talking about ageism as a topic... It's bad enough that people are placing age for presidential candidates, before, the qualifications of the individual, and let's not even go into the experience of one of them, and lack of the other. BTW, how did you happen to pick Falling Waters as your choice for this architect? His more complex buildings in large cities would have been more appropriate if the age was really the point of it all... But then again, I take one day out of hundreds of writing right on FB postings, and get criticized...Yep... I take it as criticism... did you ever think that I was starting a discussion? Did you ever think of saying, Tell me More... Did you ever think of asking me if I was interested in the ageism statement or the architecture beauty of in my opinion, one of the great architectural wonders of the world... Oh well, who the hell cares anymore...that's the major problem isn't it...people do not care about people as they are, regardless of age...You two have made the point I was really saying... Sorry Merikay, you've disappointed me... And I really don't care who criticizes me... I'm in that age bracket (nearly) and find this posting gratuitous at best... 

You're kinda preaching to the choir here, Glenda.

I know, you are right...kinda...I have to say, however, that not one writer has ever asked me my age as they ask for a review. Not one individual has ever said to me that I was too old to open an account or buy a washer or go to a movie... Can you imagine, then, how Joe Biden feels to have people defending him? Can you imagine that they call him frail one day, while on another day, they applaud his annual address? Can you imagine how people are talking about the orange "turd" and thinking about his having sex with a porn star...while this man is taking up all the news time with all of his crap and very little is publicized about what our president has already done and is now doing, but is overlooked because a criminal trial is taking all the air space. As Spock says it is illogical! Why should you or anybody else have to feel that you must defend those who are older? Why is it that a criminal, already charged in civil court is getting away with everything, including stopping/forcing delays to other trials, just because people don't speak up??? Yes, I mean that, there is absolutely NO reason that Trump gets away with all of this that he is... If you can honestly say to me that you did not post it because of Biden/Trump, then I will apologize, again and again... But if you merely saw it of interest, decided you'd give a push to an older candidate not because he is doing all that he is doing, then, sorry, you really are a member of the choir's audience and enjoying the song, and forwarding it along...Sorry, dear, I know you, but we must stop and really think about what is happening in America. I am doing my damndest to try to speak out...only to be disgusted when somebody says he is frail...give me a break! or others have done great things "at an older age..." You know, M, I have learned much about the communication process since 2016 and it is not something I am proud of... I will continue to question everything from now on. I must. If not, who will? You can just simply pass something forward and not explain why you are doing it anymore. I chose to see what would happen...and you saw what happened. You agreed with the critic...not only agreed, but loved his comment. That's why I was disappointed. Not because of the post, but that you chose to agree with the criticism. That is what, my guess 80% of Americans do daily... They agree, like, or forward without so much as caring one bit about what actually is the real message. Yes, the man knew your message, I did too...but he chose to criticize me for "NOT?" If you can not see what I am talking about, I suggest we no longer be connected. Because I intend to speak out more...because I think Joe Biden has been placed in the position of president to counteract what Trump and evangelical christians have already done to America... I plan to speak out to defend Biden often, loudly and critically... So, if you are a member of the choir...I challenge you to start singing! I Speak Jesus...

Speaking out Because I Must...


I was listening to public radio as I traveled for groceries, the bank, etc., this morning... the commentator talked about two sisters, two pianos and how it built up and down...exploring... I got a God nudge to do share this when I heard the song... for one of my sister friends here on FB Merikay Noah. Planned on Making a public apology here, but couldn't find her name... Boy, I really screwed up this time...What I found was a GoFundMe page for Merikay... So here's the good and bad... I had been unkind, hurt Merikay, I know, and even blogged about it...because I was feeling depressed and angry about these stupid politicians! (BTW, I'm not going to delete the post, which was part of my Memoir. Rather, I'm going to add this info to that post and update... It is time to humble myself as I mess up so badly...) I had been unkind to someone I cared about...only to discover just how badly she is herself suffering! Oh God, will we ever learn to have the empathy to know that somebody else may need care and just because we are feeling bad that day, is no reason to be cruel to somebody else... Well, I knew that God Incidentally put me into a position I was in because He knew my regret...and wanted me to express it in the most effective way... I've donated to Merikay's GoFundMe...and thought I should let others know ... Merikay is a "Covid Long Hauler and Needs Rent Money! I keep harping about "doing unto the least of these" and then move forward not really looking out for those in that situation. So, if you know Merikay, check out her GoFundMe Site and learn more...

Lesson Learned: Even When Feeling Depressed, always remember others may be in more trouble than you! We must strive to think kindness!

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