Saturday, May 11, 2024

Open Memoir - A Single Christian Woman: Is Sex All...That...? Sharing Another Conversation - Watch for Maybe More...


Before I had responded to that previous posting used in my other book, I shared on this post... and got a response... Contrary to the other post, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a straight-forward I gave one back... Let me know what you think...

L: And...that's pretty much how I did it...

S: I was raised Jehovah's Witness. Part of the indoctrination was by teaching the history of all other religions, including how holidays were co-opted from pagan holidays, and so on. I applied all that back and saw that they're all cults. LOL

L: S right?
It really doesn't take much--as long as you can be truthful with yourself. Unfortunately many have become very adept at finding ways to lie to themselves, so never get this.

S: L, Amen, sister. LOL

Me: I'm so sorry you have personally not met Jesus. Tell you what, Start by listening to the song I Speak Jesus online at YouTube... Or other similar music... (don't bother starting the music if you don't want, I enjoy writing to it...)

If you feel anything, that "might" be His presence within your body... If you do, I would then refer you to the book I read, Something More By Catherine Marshall... That's how I met Him personally...

It isn't about proof, it isn't about any feelings, negative or positive... It's about allowing yourself to explore your own ambivalence to what is possible... Want to know more, go to my blog, Book Readers Heaven, search on "God Incident" and begin to see a Living God's activities in peoples lives...

God does not need to prove Himself... He is the Great I Am... It is your loss, not God's if you never choose to seek His presence... Just my personal Opinion...

I have little interest in established religions at this point in America. In my opinion, God doesn't have much interest in learning that somebody claims to be a christian or a muslim, or whatever... 

The corruption of politics/religion during the nearly last decade has succeeded in ensuring that people could care less about religion... However, many of us care about God and His role in our lives... When I was young, I would always hear about: stay away from this person or that person or this religion or that religion... 

God does not Equal Religion... 

In fact, history proves that we have done a lousy job, overall, in sharing about God through religion, any religion. Just my Personal Opinion, of Course... (in case it comes up, that's the name of my other Blog, a Closed Blog, so if this conversation continues, and I really hope it does, it might need to be moved, at least partially, over there.)

He exists and doesn't need your agreement that He exists. I know that I know that I know that He is a Living God...Wanna talk about it...wanna argue about it, Go to Words Matter! group here on Facebook, I'd be happy to explore why you decided even to post in the first place... I care... I Speak Jesus... Or, would you be interested in continuing this further via an interview/discussion here at Book Readers Heaven? (Check out an earlier discussion based upon the book Double Crossed & Unraveled).

L: whannnn...whann...whannnnn...whann Try again. Been there done that learned and moved on. You should try it...

S: Politics and religion are cut from the same cloth. People are just replacing god with politics. It's still stupid, mindless following of your group instead of having a mind. It's all blame, shame, and guilt designed to keep you in line.

Glenda A Bixler

Hi, I'm so happy you were willing to write back... Would you all give me permission to reprint on my blog? I'm writing an open memoir and would love to use it today...In fact, if you are as open as you say you are, I'm going to go ahead and copy paste... BTW, the name of this one book is A Single Christian Woman: Is Sex Al That?"

And since this is an open site, not a closed group... watch for it later... Jesus Loves you... Me, I haven't decided yet... 

Actually, I do want your permission, so if you don't want to allow its use, as is, I'll immediately take it down...

I really would like to continue this discussion and get into more about what you both have said... But, if you're "brave" enough to allow me to tell you both that I consider it a "God Incident..." I want you to know that I haven't been taking the time to comment on Facebook for a long time...I've been too busy reading and reviewing books that deal with exactly what you two are saying!!!

And your post is the first one I was drawn to...

God Bless

ARE YOU IN? Willing to Talk More About These Two Important Subjects?

Religion and Politics!???

I already know that Kelsey, the author of the above book will be in...!!! Do we have to do it without you two to continue what you started?

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