Friday, November 10, 2023

Jack Savage Shares Memories With Readers - Sometimes I Respond! It's Good to Have Online Friends, Isn't It?!

As a boy, I used to stay up late and watch Jack Paar, when I could and on Friday nights "The Best of Paar." He was very witty and just an interesting guy. He also was not afraid to talk about his fears, "I'm no fighter" he would say. I had plenty of fears growing up but often I was fascinated with them and it would seem that I ran toward them sometimes rather than away.

I spent two years in a tropical setting as a young man and though snakes terrified me usually, I lived among them to the point where we sort of coexisted peacefully. The sight of a snake didn't give me a start like it always had. I wondered about this and finally realized that I didn't because there was no music to tell me to be afraid.

It began with the famous composer Wagner. He noticed some people falling asleep during his compositions, especially when his story would present a villain or a dangerous situation presented itself. So he created a Leitmotif. It is a break in the music that tells the audience to be afraid in the story. Growing up in St. Paul, watching our black and white Muntz TV, whenever a snake came crawling around, dramatic music would play and I would become scared. But living in or near the jungle where I was, there was no music so I learned not to be afraid. Aware, yes, but not afraid. These snakes I speak of were all poisonous but usually just minded their own business.

Achieving that understanding, of not being afraid of something was empowering in some ways. One less reason to be afraid. Besides, where I was and what I was doing there were plenty of other things to be afraid of. Snakes fell lower and lower on the list.


Three Was No Accident!

When I first saw Jack's reference to Wagner, I knew I wanted to read and respond, together with one of his paintings. I picked the above to share--"Three Was No Accident..."

I first became enthralled with classical music when I visited my favorite aunt and uncle, who had cared for me so often while my mother was working. There was a complete set of all of the major classical composers. Wagner was one of them... I found that of all the genres of music, my most preferred for "listening times" was classical. And, so I was intrigued by Jack's early response and obvious later thought and appreciation, when he acknowledged that Wagner was a "trigger" of fear for him.. 

How sad I thought. For me, I always reveled when the more dramatic portions of a symphony started. Still, in deference to Jack, I chose a set of overtures and preludes, which are normally more sedate... While beginning my response of my choice, "Ride of the Valkyries," which never could bring fear to me, rather, anticipation and excitement. On the other hand, although I may not fear them (unless poisonous), I am quite willing to not see big crawly spiders and snakes...and rats... and...

Then I picked up on the ending of Jack's article. Sadly, I realized that where he was, during a war that should never have happened, that he had learned that there was much, in that place, to fear. My heart was greatly saddened... 

Facing fear, for me, was never really an issue. Real fear has only come to me when something suddenly happens; for instance, having a near accident when driving, which is normally an instinctual response rather than learned. Instead, my triggers are based upon seeing "wrong" in business, politics...the world. Going into Job Burnout, after trying to solve all the problems being thrown at me, even if, perhaps, unintentionally has then and thereafter, caused me to go "on alert." Now, normally, my level of faith also brought a calm through music which was, and is,  often deliberately chosen in times of trouble and concern... I wonder, how does music affect you?

Here are a few of my favorites during those times:

I chose "Three Is Not An Accident" for it makes me realize that there is so very much evil in the world these days, (or maybe it is just more visible) much based upon religious fervor as opposed to Truth, including common sense, logic and reasoning... It is purposely being used by those seeking power, attempting to use fear, lies, and disinformation to result in many individuals who have "fallen over the waterfall" into a den full of snakes and spiders, figuratively, that could lead to even worse violence, mass murders, and hatred toward those who speak out against political extremists who continue to force their will on America. 

While blaming others for fascists' actions while the instigator(s), himself, is already projecting planned Fascist actions... Read the definition. Do you not see that what is happening is not within the realm of a Democratic nation?
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived .

Fear comes when politicians plans an insurrection
that still is supported by one major party for re-election.
According to yesterday's election results...
MAGA is losing.
Fear means that more violence will occur...

We must fight before our Democracy is lost!
It seems to me we have no option...

Fear, Self-pride, and Selfishness has Erupted Across the World - 
Use Logic, Reasoning to Find Truth!

Gabbie Wonders...

Do You know God is Truth!

Stop and Listen to your Own Mind! 
Is this what is supposed to be happening in a Democracy?

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