Saturday, July 8, 2023

What's Happening at Book Readers Heaven! Trying to Live With America's Information Catastrophe! A Rant! Republicans Quit Taking Rights Away!!!

Do you ever feel like you are talking, but nobody seems to understand/believe what you say? It may be as simple as pronunciation of words--Vase versus Vase. Yes the word is the same but even though the majority of people say it with a long a, the right way of pronouncing the word, there are those who will say it differently. (Actually I enjoy the dog saying, Vaaase! LOL  In older days this was sometimes based upon the "class" of the individual when rich folks tried to show they were more "genteel" than the rest of us, LOL!

Anyway, a couple of things has become even more frustrating for me than normal...  The recent shutdown by the supreme court of government's ability to explore ways in which social media allows disinformation (lies) and even, oftentimes, exploits it to gain more visibility... You know, folks, it might be by 2024, Truth will no longer exist if we don't speak out!

I am sick and tired of everything being done for ratings, power, or greed! Why doesn't news coverage carry more of what good is happening in America, rather than what the crazies are doing?! If the lies that are routinely being disseminated by republicans were stopped or even just questioned once in a while, it maybe could be something that we could stomach! But, daily it is getting worse! And would you believe that the Supreme Court made a landmark decision on christians not have to do jobs for gays! AND THERE WAS REALLY NO REQUEST TO DO SO...SO AN INDIVIDUAL DECIDED TO MAKE UP A WHAT-IF STORY AND THE NOW BIASED COURT ACTED UPON IT!

First we lost women's health rights...Next we lost affirmative action which not only covers minorities of race, but also of sex (women)... I was there when affirmative actions came in at West Virginia University... And we ROUTINELY began to implement this important move forward! 

White Supremacists republicans are moving us backward, so far backward that they want to take us back before ANY TYPE OF recognition of the discrimination of any people SO THAT white men WOULD ALWAYS BE SELECTED FIRST AND THIS WAS "perfectly all right" and what should be law!

Also on a recent news discussion it showed how an attempt was being made to "teach" about the burning of the Black Wall Street...without including the truth  that it was white men's slaughter of an entire town! Rewriting has gone on since the time when White men bought land with a bunch of plastic necklaces! When is it going to stop!

A recent commentator declared "Dead children don't read." If you quickly perceived what is being said, then you're just as upset as I am... Republicans refuse to do anything about gun control!!! Yet, decide to start banning books that talk about things they don't want their children to read about...Hey...but if their kids get gunned down in school... They won't be reading anyway... Kinda like the old saying...You're damned if you do and damned if you don't! Common Sense is beyond the capability of the MAGA cult...

And the sad part for me and many others is that evangelical christians have sold their soul to Trump as he lies, gets their money, and then does nothing about the real people of America... Do those christians who support MAGA realize what they are doing to America and really believe that they are Following Jesus?!!!!! There are many who are speaking out these days. I've found that those who speak truth are calling themselves Progressive Christians... Because, we can all see that people like Mike Pence may speak truth about January 6th, but then goes back and supports all of the MAGA goals of ensuring that extreme conservatism continues to take away rights given to ALL OF US BY THE CONSTITUTION.

ALL OF US...NOT JUST CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS/REPUBLICANS!!! I recently learned that the republican party sends letters to those registered republican, telling "what is happening in Washington" which would be, of course, the lies Trump is saying across the nation...And would you believe, they asked republicans to sign a non-disclosure agreement?!!!!! 

In 1963, I started working in the Personnel Office of a land-grant university. I was in a position where I introduced all new employees to the university and its benefits...At that time, we were asked to sign a loyalty oath. Before long, that loyalty oath requirements was done away a democratic president who was in office at that time. During my years at the university, I was intimately involved in employee rights, in-service training, equal employment opportunities, affirmative action implementation, and more... 

I've just had a brain surgery, a left hip replacement, cataracts removed from both eyes...but I've not lost my mind! What is happening to republicans who are not learning the truth is wrong! And it is christian leaders that made the deal with Trump and think they are doing what they are supposed to do. But all you have to do is ask...

What would Jesus Do...

If God created all people in his image, then any type of discrimination IS WRONG!

Should be "Nuf Said..." So Stop, Think, Do you really want to go back to the 1950-60s? So, be careful and make sure that your vote is prepared accurately and done in accordance with whatever laws that may have changed in your area, because of republicans...and Vote to REMAIN IN THE YEAR 2024 AND NOT  BACKWARDS! Vote Truth! Vote Liars out of Office!

Last week, the Bill Moyers public television agency flew me to New York to join a circle of theologians and scholars discussing a baffling question:

Why is religion—which universally teaches love, forgiveness and brotherhood—entwined in so much murder and hate around the world?

Isn't it time you start asking God for the Answer rather than politicians??? Personally, I think so!

God Bless Us All


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