Sunday, July 16, 2023

Robert Sells Talks Politics! With Appropriate News Articles Supporting Today's Truth!


I love a little sarcasm when it perfectly makes the point...Thanks Bob, Gabbie

I want to thank Republicans for all they have done for our country. They were instrumental in having America break records! Yup, this last week we had three consecutive days in which the average temperature was higher than ever before. Hurray! Great job, Republicans. And the icing on the cake was those beautiful sunsets we’ve enjoyed over the last months, compliments of the smoke drifting from the Canadian forest fires. We even got to smell the delightful aroma of burnt wood. A Republican gift to America. All because they still refuse to believe scientists global warming is caused by an increase in carbon dioxide from our factories and vehicles.

Then there are the new state laws restricting abortions. So glad that Republicans now are telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. Let's face facts, folks. Things went downhill after women got the vote. Now the Republicans are finally getting those pesky women under control.

So many books! Heck, too many books. It makes perfect sense that Republicans should try to reduce the number so that our children aren't overwhelmed. 

Hence, it is perfectly understandable that they ban the books that talk about sexual matters. Shameful ugly topic. Such matters should only be discussed between a child and their parents. So throw out those books mentioning sex. Books like Catcher in the Rye, Handmaiden’s Tale, Catch 22, To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men and that real scorcher, the Bible. Yeah, the Bible dwells too much on rape and incest. Then, of course, there is that little story about a father giving his young daughters to some weary travelers. Terrible sexual stuff in the Bible.
Republicans are finally curtailing the abuse by police. We’ve all seen how rogue police have unjustly manhandled our citizens, even murdering them. Well, Republicans have drawn the line in the sand. No more of that. Those police defending the Capitol on Jan. 6th… they were far too restrictive and combative with the “patriots” just trying to visit the Capitol. And look at the mess those police caused. 

Even the federal police force, the FBI, is clearly out of control when they execute search warrants on a person who stole Top Secret documents and refused to return some of them to their rightful owner. Terrible. Yes, investigate that rogue police force.
And, finally, we need to thank Republicans for supporting and defending a man who has torn our country apart with his lies, his vulgar words, his terrible treatment of women, and his threats to anyone who tries to stop him. He is stoking anger and fear such that his followers view Democrats as the enemy. Well, damn it… they are destroying the country; at least that’s what Donald, the paragon of truth, suggests. So, bring on the violence. Wasn’t it Jefferson who said that we need to spill a little blood every now and again to keep the movement growing?

So, thank-you, Republicans.


Talk about Truth Versus the Biggest Liar Ever... Along with his sycophants

Donald often minimizes his unethical and sometime criminal behavior by attributing the same behavior to his enemies. For example, when reputable news sources called him out on his many lies, he cried “FAKE NEWS”. 

Recently indicted for stealing Top Secret documents, he falsely claimed that other presidents committed the same crimes. His words and actions are steering us toward a fascist government. So, he calls Democrats “fascists”. 
It is this last distraction from facts that I want to address.
Fascism is control by a dictatorial leader relying on a forcible suppression of opposition; there is no democratic debate. There is also an inherent belief in a natural social hierarchy in which one race is superior to other races.
Fascist leaders gain power by creating public rage at presumed cultural targets. Most often they resort to lies. Recall when Donald claimed President Obama was not born in the United States thus implying he was not a legitimate president? This further polarized many Republicans who were uncomfortable with an intelligent black man being president. 

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald associated the Clintons with a number of deaths and suggested that they orchestrated those deaths; in other words, Donald essentially accused them of murders. Of course, there was no basis in facts in these accusations. He just found unsubstantiated claims from unreliable talking heads on the internet. Again and again, Donald uses dictatorial techniques to fan the fires of rage and resentment against his enemies.
But lying is not enough for a fascist leader. They have to constantly stoke anger and fear in their weak-minded followers. Donald did this with his divisive speeches and posts: He claimed that Mexico was sending us “rapists” and “murders”. And disease: “Tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border.” He extolled his followers to be ready and willing to fight to take back a country that was presently controlled by a democratic government: “You’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong”. Fear and anger, the lynchpins of fascism used by both Hitler in Germany and Putin in Russia.

Though subtle, Donald pushed his weak-minded MAGA followers into a belief that the rights of others must be curtailed just to maintain the “natural social hierarchy” of Christian whites. Muslims are dangerous and thus should be restricted from entering our countries. People of color come from “shit-hole” countries. Democrats were the enemy: “SINCE THE RADICAL LEFT INDICTMENT HOAX WAS INITIATED BY THE MISFITS, MUTANTS, MARXISTS, & COMMUNISTS!” 

Even knowledge itself was attacked by Donald: “Getting critical race theory out of our schools is … a matter of national survival.” His trigger words and phrases have been used by Fascists from Hitler to Putin.

So, no! Fascism is not being peddled by the Democrats. Indeed, fascism is what President Biden and the Democrats are trying to steer our country away from. In fact, fascism is being nurtured by Donald and his MAGA allies. For this and other reasons, Donald is a clear and present danger to our constitutional democracy.

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