I've been touched by our Father in heaven...I have been asked to speak out as I am led...
Because I know that I know that I know that God is Watching
All the Hate, Violence and Lies and the Use of religion as an excuse
to gain power and riches!
Matthew 19:23-26 King James Version (KJV)Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle , than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:37–40.)
PNC had changed the few screens by which we entered that bank. As they were making changes, they deleted my saved signin information. I first checked my password management online and got my stored password. A popup had appeared showing 3 choices, apparently past account info(?) and the password on my Google list was there, so I entered that information. It was refused. I tried the other two options presented by the bank. At that point, I was told that after 3 tries, I was locked out... I do, I really do recognize the importance of security...
BUT, when programmers are allowed to change screens whenever they want, delete saved information, and then be told I am locked out, while telling me to contact such and such (within the system they have locked me out of!), I stop in frustration! PNC took over a local bank where I had banked since I moved to Pennsylvania. I was not happy immediately upon registering for their online system. I had talked to the manager of my local bank and she pointed out that in order to close my account, I would have to notify all of the companies for which I had auto pay... That was about the time I had discovered a need for removal of a brain tumor surgery and had made all possible accounts Auto Pay since I knew I could not deal with paying bills... That continued with 3 additional major surgeries which were scheduled by my priority one right after the other...
When I was able to return to handling things myself and checking my bank statements, I began to experience problems with every single one, most of whom had changed their programs! I have already written and will continue to document those companies actions...
Which brings me to the main thrust of this article:
West Virginia University had an Auditing Department, whose job was to routinely go around the campus and audit the financial activities of each and every department on campus. It was an ongoing process. Perhaps the federal government also had such a department at one time. In any event, when Trump came back into office, after having been impeached during his first term for attempting to manipulate and hold back the payment of a Congress-established allocation to Ukraine, which, indeed, was verified by financial staff had been held back by his orders, we watched as impeachment began in the House which had a majority, but did not pass the Senate because no republicans would approve, even though there had been ample documentation of Trump's attempt to negotiate a deal with the Ukraine president, asking him to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden and give him whatever dirt could be found. Ukraine's president refused. And Trump withheld the allocation!
Now, Trump is seeking retribution and illegally doing anything he wants, including bringing in a man--the richest man in the world--and given him the responsibility to... or better said, do anything he wants!
Within a short time, Musk sought and got a key/entry into the Treasury of the United States. The head of that office resigned. Musk brought in a small staff of systems experts... And almost immediately the entire financial documentation was open to one man, which included personal information for every single person in America! Then, he picked out the first department do eliminate! Those people who handled Congress-approved allocations for Aide across the World. Musk immediately cut the entire program... supposedly based upon finding evidence of waste...
Now, here's the primary reason I KNOW there is NO WAY that Musk/staff could have found anything in such a short period of time--even if they were all brilliants which they are not... And here's how I can say this!
West Virginia University reports to a Board of Regents where all state funds (like the Treasury) are managed/directed/and also provided oversight. When my office was merged with the University Architect's Office, a department which had the responsibility for a multi-million capital construction budget (and apparently had not been successfully doing it), the unit was placed under Bill Campbell, my boss. He asked me to take over the entire planning and analysis unit, while he began to deal with the functions of the University Architect.
Instead, by that time, the University had funded a new Asst VP for Facilities, who immediately moved Campbell up as his assistant (which was, sadly, a common way to begin to move out an individual that the new leader didn't want... As I mentioned, that individual immediately brought in as Director, a friend from ROTC. Campbell, I found out before he was leaving the University, had bargained for me to be made Associate Director of the new office of Facilities Planning and Management. Initially it was agreed that each would take on the two separate departments. Jim Shaub, the new director, was to handle all activities of the former Architect's Office. Facilities Planners were Hired with architectural or construction backgrounds and soon were assigned projects, large and small. I happened to have one of those projects which was a million-dollar renovation of Eiesland Hall, a small theatre which had become necessarily also used for large classes and therefore was under my control and management.
Almost immediately I was told that Eiesland Hall project would have to be delayed indefinitely. It seemed that there had been no development of a financial management activity for Shaub's acceptd responsibilities, and two Planners had allocated the same available money and proceeded to act on their projects, with purchase orders, etc... They had run out of money.
I was then told that, as Associate Director, I would need to become responsible for the financial management of Shaub's staff's work! To do so, I had to conduct an entire audit of the capital budget and the transfers of money from the Board of Regents... I immediately contacted the Board of Regents, head of Administrative Affairs, Dr. Edward Grose, with whom I had worked for many years, related to my own responsibilities. I explained what I'd been asked to do and asked for a copy that of the format the Board used for project financial management.
At the same time, I asked my personal secretary who I knew had an accounting background, to help me by establishing an individual project budget for all approved capital projects. Sandy Johns was one of the best employees I had ever worked with and soon she was ready to deal with the new process. Soon it was established that all facilities planners MUST go to Sandy for any type of financial activity before I would approve/sign any movement forward to begin or continue a project.
In the meantime, I began an audit of all capital projects accounts for the previous/present years. To do such an audit. I needed to access:
- Board of Regents allocations to the University
- All Purchase Orders made against the University's capital budget accounts
- All Invoices submitted for payment by vendors against those purchase orders
- All payments made through the University Controller's Office and verify whether any change orders to the original purchase had been made, cross referencing with the project budget account as to whether additional funds had been moved into that project; e.g., use of the approved Eiesland Hall budget was transferred to cover shortfalls to other projects.
- Verify all funds utilized by WVU were syncing with Board of Regents account allocations
- Create a report documenting all errors found
- Present that documented report to University and Board of Regents senior officers...
It took one year to actually accomplish this new responsibility and get it running. It could never have been done by untrained individuals unfamiliar with University (government) policies and procedures, financial documents and the flow of accounting documents through an institution.
- Ultimately, I permanently lost my Eiesland Hall Classroom Upgrade allocation.
- Ultimately, there were insufficient funds to fund all approved capital projects.
- Ultimately, when my report reached Dr. Grose, He expressed regret, but that there was insufficient funds at that level to cover the shortage for WVU. All of their funds were allocated to other state institutions.
- He ordered that all that was still available be sent to WVU, based upon my report. For, after all, WVU had been responsible for maintaining control of their allocated budget and had failed to do so. Upon completion of a year's work paid well under $50,000. The University received over $1M!
Elon Musk is lying. His actions are capricious and arbitrary. Even Trump could not possibly have selected the elimination of one entire unit's Congress-funded budget based upon supposed waste! The entire process was impossible to justify under any circumstances!
What we are learning is that Elon Musk is the richest man in the world because he has been even more corrupt than Trump! And, apparently Musk made a deal with Trump to support his campaign and millions was provided, even Musk paying big bucks for votes for Trump! Musk bought the presidency... And Trump is just now figuring out what has happened... Too late...
Folks, a final personal note...
Yes, I lost a year of my life because of incompetency or an authoritarian mindset that considered financial management below his level of responsibility--who knows? When I first retired, I was still dealing with job burnout results. I had to acknowledge that after having the responsibility thrust upon me to solve the problems created by the new director and facilities planners total lack of any expertise in financial management of those construction projects, I could barely deal with paying bills... I procrastinated, even knowing that I would have to pay late fees... It was worth that late fee just so I could choose, myself, when I was able to sit down and pay that one bill, or two... or all of them!
After Steve Showers was appointed to the Assistant VP job and also made no move to ever sit down and go over the responsibilities of my area, I knew he was no better than the last group. What happened to the entire internal facilities planning and management function was its destruction... Just like Trump/Musk did to all Inspector Generals for the Federal Government... The total destruction of the entire USAID Congress funded program by one man, supported by a president who received money to get reelected by Musk... And the Department of Education is next! Which will affect the entire nation!
They shuffled me around until I wound up with Dr. Barb Judy... who I learned while doing a search for her correct title at WVU, and discovered her obituary, I found I wanted to add a small excerpt from that remembrance statement... for one of the most important women mentors in my life... Just by saying a few words to me one day...
Americans with Disability Act Coordinator (ADA) for West Virginia University (WVU) and the state of West Virginia, and served as the chair of the Board of National Associations of ADA Coordinators. She was a driving force in the widely acclaimed Job Accommodation Network (JAN) for over twenty years beginning in 1983. She was elected to the Hall of Fame for Persons with Disabilities in 1992. She made presentations about disability issues throughout the United States and Canada, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia in 1986, and most recently in Guam of 2014, and represented the United States in the former Soviet Union in 1990. She was a member of the President’s Committee on Employment of Persons with Disabilities and served as a chairperson of their Work Environment and Technology Committee. She further served as chairperson of WVU’s Council on Disability Concerns and was a member of the WVU Social Justice Council representing disability issues. She chaired the Policy and Service Committee of Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America...
She served as the director of Pacetec alongside Mike Oliverio, Sr. and Vic Zanotti, and was responsible for the development of their newest facility at Mylan Park. From 1993 to the present, she served as President of the National Association of American’s with Disabilities Act Coordinators (NAADAC), an organization that she gave her entire heart and soul to. From 1994 to the present, she also served on the Advisory Board for HealthSouth Mountainview Rehabilitation Hospital. She was appointed to West Virginia State Rehab Council from 1983-2007. Mrs. Judy was one of the leading authorities on reasonable accommodations in the world, as well as one of the most imminent and influential university ADA coordinators in the United States. She was also appointed Patriot from West Virginia by the President’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities. Her publications include “Real-Life Issues in Job Accommodation (Employers’ and Employees’ Perspective” 1994, “Job Accommodation in the Workplace” 1989, and “The ADA Coordinator Guide to Campus Compliance 2004.
Barb Judy was a beautiful person--She cared and it showed in all that she did to try to help people across the University and the world... Barb told me that during a presidential staff meeting, she announced "I'll take her (me)--I've never had any problem with her..." And so I joined her and her secretary who was located in a little office cubbyhold on the ground floor of Stewart Hall...
Barb had been one of the individuals with whom I was involved as I was creating the concept of a totally integrated facilities management system which would be campus-wide, accessible to all units (more on that on a different page)... As we spent some time together those first few days, she brought up the facilities inventory for which I was once responsible. She still hoped to add ADA information for facilities, especially those used by students and other disabled individual on campus. I told her that she would have to request access through the Assistant VP's Office. That the entire inventory had been transferred into his office, even though I was positive that he would never use it...
Worse, the staff member who had been maintaining the inventory had put a lockout so that the inventory was no longer accessible for use by anybody, including, of course, me... I should emphasize that part of my responsibilities was the data gathering and updating of that inventory as deans and directors changed their allocated facilities. For instance, what once was a small conference might have been turned into a seminar room for higher level small classes needed by graduate students. That change would automatically change the room classification from "350" to "110 or 210"... it was now being used for teaching classes as opposed to a meeting room. That data was collected by two staff members who routinely went on site to gather correct data based upon government room use codes, as well as square footage changes for renovations, etc. Those two positions were relocated to another department....... Classroom scheduling was moved into Admissions and Records... Scheduling of those rooms for meetings/events apparently was eliminated or no longer centrally controlled for effective utilization... You get the idea... Since nobody but Bill Campbell knew what I did and when he was "retired..." nobody thereafter ever bothered to find out the scope and level of responsibility under which I was burdened...
In any event, this was a personal blow to me...All of the work my department had accomplished on behalf of the university at large had been demolished by one or two men who thought they knew what they were doing... Or, knew what they wanted to do with their new power! I had not only lost a year of my life to clean up the mess of financial management for Jim Shaub, my entire career had been dissolved! Just like Donald Trump, the new president didn't really care about efficiency and management of facilities. He wanted total control of everything to do with as he directed to the deans and directors...
And some of you might have wondered and now begin to know what job burnout can lead to--total devastation of every memory of accomplishment for 10+ years of a life... Can you wonder why just how much all that Trump has and is doing has thrown me back with PTSD...
Nevertheless, as Barb and I talked that last day before I left an institution after over 35 years, Barb said to me, "You've been Used, Abused, and Thrown Away..." I will never forget those words. An acknowledgement, at last, that at least one person knew what had been done to me...
At home, alone, I could not stop crying. That was the primary physical manifestation of job burnout for me, together with the cruel actions by a few men who had indeed used, abused and threw me away... I needed help, the first person I thought of was my choir director, who also worked on campus and would at least know what I was talking about. I couldn't reach her. I called my pastor, Ed Williams, who, together with his wife, immediately came. I had left the door open so they entered my condo and came upstairs. As soon as they came, I asked for prayer...
I tried to explain, knowing they would have no idea what I was talking about, but I remember I kept saying over and over "they can't do that to people..."
I had been a participatory manager until I started working with authoritative men who had no idea what I was doing and obviously didn't care... I found myself changing. I took on an attitude of not listening to people, just wanting them to do their job (even if they didn't know how)... Hey, when you are forced to hire people who are not qualified and there is no time to train an unqualified individual for that position, because, of course, I had already been assigned duties under the other unit in order to ensure Shaub's unit was functioning. That was all he cared about... I had no option but to point out they could not handle what needed to be done...and fired that manager who had been forced on me after my lost year was over... While the good ole boys sat around talking about finding "rubbers" in the heaters in a university building...but that's another story...
What I know is that, thanks to Barb Judy, who cared about people and being supportive, told me that she recognized how I had been treated...I had finally received, even if too late, that I had indeed done nothing wrong other than responding to a brain meltdown due to too many hours working for the University.
My only solace for the hundreds and perhaps ultimately thousands of government employees who are fired for no reason other than the republican party condoning it, is that half of America knows what is happening and people are talking about it and trying to fight back! When I had tried to fight and failed at West Virginia University, I had at least one person who had known what they did to me... But the physical and emotional trauma had already taken over my life.
But, in the end, that really doesn't help the psychological trauma that Musk/Trump and the republican party is/will be placing on civil servants who have no part in doing anything but their jobs--and probably doing it very well... Yes, there could be changes needed...but NOT the way it is being done. Correcting problems takes total agreement in Congress, a long time, serious discussion and priority setting... If one party of the government is no longer willing to do that, we all have a right to be upset, angry, concerned... Just like at WVU, the authoritarian leaders chose to eliminate a department established for efficient use of campus facilities, rather than deal with the necessary training and supervision of employees... Especially when you don't know how to train staff for their duties and responsibilities!
Because most Americans are in middle-level or lower-level positions that keep America running... No billionaire could get along without us and become rich without us... And it is the republican party who refused to raise the minimum wage! That says it, doesn't it... Trump is just the monster--now replaced by a bigger and badder (never thought that was possible) monster...
Barb had been one of the individuals with whom I was involved as I was creating the concept of a totally integrated facilities management system which would be campus-wide, accessible to all units (more on that on a different page)... As we spent some time together those first few days, she brought up the facilities inventory for which I was once responsible. She still hoped to add ADA information for facilities, especially those used by students and other disabled individual on campus. I told her that she would have to request access through the Assistant VP's Office. That the entire inventory had been transferred into his office, even though I was positive that he would never use it...
Worse, the staff member who had been maintaining the inventory had put a lockout so that the inventory was no longer accessible for use by anybody, including, of course, me... I should emphasize that part of my responsibilities was the data gathering and updating of that inventory as deans and directors changed their allocated facilities. For instance, what once was a small conference might have been turned into a seminar room for higher level small classes needed by graduate students. That change would automatically change the room classification from "350" to "110 or 210"... it was now being used for teaching classes as opposed to a meeting room. That data was collected by two staff members who routinely went on site to gather correct data based upon government room use codes, as well as square footage changes for renovations, etc. Those two positions were relocated to another department....... Classroom scheduling was moved into Admissions and Records... Scheduling of those rooms for meetings/events apparently was eliminated or no longer centrally controlled for effective utilization... You get the idea... Since nobody but Bill Campbell knew what I did and when he was "retired..." nobody thereafter ever bothered to find out the scope and level of responsibility under which I was burdened...
In any event, this was a personal blow to me...All of the work my department had accomplished on behalf of the university at large had been demolished by one or two men who thought they knew what they were doing... Or, knew what they wanted to do with their new power! I had not only lost a year of my life to clean up the mess of financial management for Jim Shaub, my entire career had been dissolved! Just like Donald Trump, the new president didn't really care about efficiency and management of facilities. He wanted total control of everything to do with as he directed to the deans and directors...
And some of you might have wondered and now begin to know what job burnout can lead to--total devastation of every memory of accomplishment for 10+ years of a life... Can you wonder why just how much all that Trump has and is doing has thrown me back with PTSD...
Nevertheless, as Barb and I talked that last day before I left an institution after over 35 years, Barb said to me, "You've been Used, Abused, and Thrown Away..." I will never forget those words. An acknowledgement, at last, that at least one person knew what had been done to me...
At home, alone, I could not stop crying. That was the primary physical manifestation of job burnout for me, together with the cruel actions by a few men who had indeed used, abused and threw me away... I needed help, the first person I thought of was my choir director, who also worked on campus and would at least know what I was talking about. I couldn't reach her. I called my pastor, Ed Williams, who, together with his wife, immediately came. I had left the door open so they entered my condo and came upstairs. As soon as they came, I asked for prayer...
I tried to explain, knowing they would have no idea what I was talking about, but I remember I kept saying over and over "they can't do that to people..."
I had been a participatory manager until I started working with authoritative men who had no idea what I was doing and obviously didn't care... I found myself changing. I took on an attitude of not listening to people, just wanting them to do their job (even if they didn't know how)... Hey, when you are forced to hire people who are not qualified and there is no time to train an unqualified individual for that position, because, of course, I had already been assigned duties under the other unit in order to ensure Shaub's unit was functioning. That was all he cared about... I had no option but to point out they could not handle what needed to be done...and fired that manager who had been forced on me after my lost year was over... While the good ole boys sat around talking about finding "rubbers" in the heaters in a university building...but that's another story...
What I know is that, thanks to Barb Judy, who cared about people and being supportive, told me that she recognized how I had been treated...I had finally received, even if too late, that I had indeed done nothing wrong other than responding to a brain meltdown due to too many hours working for the University.
My only solace for the hundreds and perhaps ultimately thousands of government employees who are fired for no reason other than the republican party condoning it, is that half of America knows what is happening and people are talking about it and trying to fight back! When I had tried to fight and failed at West Virginia University, I had at least one person who had known what they did to me... But the physical and emotional trauma had already taken over my life.
But, in the end, that really doesn't help the psychological trauma that Musk/Trump and the republican party is/will be placing on civil servants who have no part in doing anything but their jobs--and probably doing it very well... Yes, there could be changes needed...but NOT the way it is being done. Correcting problems takes total agreement in Congress, a long time, serious discussion and priority setting... If one party of the government is no longer willing to do that, we all have a right to be upset, angry, concerned... Just like at WVU, the authoritarian leaders chose to eliminate a department established for efficient use of campus facilities, rather than deal with the necessary training and supervision of employees... Especially when you don't know how to train staff for their duties and responsibilities!
Because most Americans are in middle-level or lower-level positions that keep America running... No billionaire could get along without us and become rich without us... And it is the republican party who refused to raise the minimum wage! That says it, doesn't it... Trump is just the monster--now replaced by a bigger and badder (never thought that was possible) monster...
And they are destroying the undergirding of America... How very stupid and dumb is that...!!!
God is Still Above All
Including Republicans
Including Christian Nationalists
Including Elon Musk and Donald Trump
Pray for God's Truth
Seek God's Love over Hate
Remember that Millions believe as I do, You Do
You are NOT Alone
Do your part, no matter how small
Share your concern, tell them why
Help people understand that Lies have Manipulated
and brought forth those who want power and money
and will do anything to gain it
Check out multiple sources of information
Verify your opinions, your truth
If it is not God's truth, then why do you believe it...
God's truth says to love our neighbors as ourselves
God's truth asks that we take care of those in need
God's truth is Free Will for each of us
Destroying another's free will to be
is NOT of God
God Bless Us One and All
Breaking News! My governor has filed suit on the freeze of money already approved for Pennsylvania! Grabbed this interview to start to catch up on what impact on my state is evolving based upon the fiasco being caused by the Trump administration! And republican party!
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