Wednesday, October 9, 2024

What's Happening at Book Readers Heaven - The Personal and Professional...


Time goes by so fast these days, especially when things happen in your own life that needs to be addressed, so I've been busy and not able to sit down to share here on my blog with all of you. But that never means that I am not reading! LOL One of the books that I've been reading is Tim Spiess' The Light of the World. One of the things that this author discovered in his research is that the better translation of the name of Jesus was actually Joshua. And, so, he has used this name as he presents what is essentially the first four books of the New Testament, along with commentary. I've found that, in reading, having a new and different name for The Son of Man has brought my mind into a deeper and clearer reading--as if I'd never read or heard the words before. It is an important book, one of the most important books I, and maybe you, too, will have read in our lives... And so, I've been reading this book daily while going about all that is happening... New and different health related issues...

It all started when I was on my way to get my hair cut. I had chipped one of my front teeth and was concerned whether it could be fixed. So I stopped at my dentist who was located nearby. I walked in and there was nobody there that I recognized! I stopped at the reception desk, told the individual what I needed and she assured me that it could be fixed, so I asked to schedule an appointment. As I recall, I was told that it would be with a new dentist, that my dentist was retiring or had retired already and that I would have to change sooner or later... Hmmm... I scheduled an appointment, knowing that the tooth needed to be fixed...

When the day came I walked in and there were people standing around in the background, more than I'd ever seen there. I sat down to wait and started reading new signs posted. One was about cancellations and being charged. The other said that I could not use a credit or debit card that only cash or personal check was to be used for payment. That hit me the wrong way, of course. I rarely carry a lot of money and had been using my debit card for years at all companies with which I've interacted. I was upset right from the beginning.

I was called and told to turn to the right--there had been three stalls in the office before. all to the left. So I walked in and glanced around. The furniture was all new and I immediately worried about being able to get down/up on the dental chair. I stood there and then said that I had been using a debit or credit card for over 10 years and was upset this had changed. Before I could stop myself I looked around the office again taking in the new people I'd never even seen before and had not introduced themselves to me, and said, "I'm not interested in all this..." And walked out! As I write this now, I'm smiling... Because I went home, did a search for a woman dentist in the area, and have found a wonderful new dentist! Her name is Dr. Sharon Stokes and if you're in the Uniontown, PA area, I would highly recommend her to you...

Since then I've had two appointments with her, my chipped tooth looks better than it did before it was chipped! But not everything was so easily addressed. I've had surgery and had a small section of skin cancer removed and now recuperating from that, while at the same time, I got word that my mammogram was not clear and I'd have to go back for another test plus a sonogram...

Also had a scare of possible allergy to medication and was taken to the emergency room, but it was quickly addressed and I got better directions on the use of the medication. I also decided against having a knee replacement and cancelled that appointment.

So I've been busy handling health issues at the same time trying to work my way through working with big communication corporations that fail in providing effective communication! I have come to the conclusion that efficiency has disappeared, while, hidden fees and lack of access is the new world... Tell me, how in the world can you get emails and not be able to respond to those emails?!!! Have you had that experience?! You know the ones, that, if you respond, you quickly get a new email that the first email was not able to receive responses!!! It boggles the mind, doesn't it!

Speaking of boggling my mind? It's now been over 4 months since I've been locked out of Facebook "for my protection." I've tracked down some of my friends and found that my group, Reviewers Roundup, just disappeared, as well as, of course...Me... Finally found another person on GoodReads that had the same experience. He is an author and is online only to promote his books... He kept after them, however, and learned that a foreign entity had signed on and used his (my?) accounts for their own purposes... I recognize that these are private sites, but, on the other hand, they've opened sites for people to use... No wonder people are so terribly confused these days.

We are being lied to left and right. Worse, it is coming from a significant part of America, who are looking to tear down our Democracy... Are you able to keep track and know for sure that what you are hearing on television ads are true--or lies? Some have been really disgusting and obvious. But others are slid in with enough actual information, that when the lie is presented, it just sounds like normal discussion; but, lies are slid in... Don't know what I mean? Find the vice-presidential debate and listen to one of the latest and slickest republicans. He is a man who speaks fluently and if we didn't already know the truth, we wouldn't be able to even catch the lies being said. Fortunately Tim Walz caught him on the most important... The Big Lie, and Vance would not say who won the 2020 election! Right then, every single individual listening to that debate should have realized that what he'd said earlier was also false... Especially when he declared me and thousands and possibly millions of other women when he claimed that the United States was run by childless cat comen! And that we had no value to the world... Geesh! how crude can he be?!

Which leads us back to The Light of the World...

“I am the truth”, and they say, “the book and all these other voices which quote the book are “the truth” you need to be set free, not just the one who says, “I am the Truth” … not just the one who says, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”… If this happened, then isn’t the truth of the statements above by the one who says, “I am the truth”, LOST as the people look to the book and other’s words and other voices, and those other words and voice’s nullify, cancel or make of no effect the one who says: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life…”, and “All who are of the truth listen to MY voice.” ? If this is so, then is it not true that those eternally valuable truths… “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no one gets to the Father except through me.” "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." …have been drowned out … buried … LOST. And so, that which is extremely valuable - and which has been lost - has been revealed.  The Creator/Father sent One beloved, error-free Messenger who can bring freedom from your hopelessness, confusion, bondage or pain, but his voice has been drowned out, nullified, hidden, obscured, spoken over, made-of-no-effect, ignored… Lost. It is a difficult truth to receive, but in truth, the teachings of the One who calls himself the Light of the world have been covered, buried and for all practical purposes, lost.   His Voice has been drowned out by thousands of other voices.  In fact, at the most essential level...

Why is it that so very few are concerned about focusing whole-heartedly on Jesus and his person and his teachings ONLY?  Perhaps, just perhaps, these things are true… "This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” "But because I speak the truth, you do not believe me.” Maybe the truth is that the one Voice that brings freedom, offends the vast majority (especially the religious people who


claim him as their ‘Lord’ and ‘God’), and they do not want to let his simple and uncompromised truth shine forth?  Perhaps most christians/biblians are especially loath to turn to the Light because they very much like believing they are “saved” and “heaven bound” while they continue to ignore the real Light of the world and instead live the way they want? …beware of the all too common self-justification and self-deception of, ‘oh yes, that is true, but not of ME or MY church’… This commentator hopes that those who are in the darkness of bible and christian religion will allow the Light of the world to shine on their hearts.  Seek to understand this key saying of his… "He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.” …and then, please, come, follow HIM!

In 2015/16 we first heard about the Evangelical Christians supporting a man like Donald Trump as president. Especially since it was not by the popular vote but by the Electoral College. At the same time, many of us questioned what could cause this type of decision. For me, I immediately started my research, reading as many books as I could, to determine why I, as a Christian, had turned away from a man who I considered unfit for leading our America. More and more is being discovered that the Truth was withheld... The latest, this morning I learned from Senator Whitehouse's, a congressional study report, that the Trump Administration had prevented the FBI from actually vetting now sitting Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh! Many will recall that a woman came forth, testifying about his attack of her years ago, and then another... 

Another bombshell is one particular excerpt from the latest book by Bob Woodward during the time of Covid. I've ordered this book, which will be out on October 15th... Essentially, it was revealed that, while America was struggling to find tests and other items related to the pandemic, and hundreds and thousands had started to die, Trump shipped these items to Dictator Putin!

I and everybody else has lied in their lives... We normally call them "White Lies" and often do it to keep from hurting another individual... But, it is clear from The Light of the World, that we all should strive to follow The Son of God/Man and know that God is TRUTH! Only one human did not lie. The Son of God... We who are Christians must strive toward that perfection of TRUTH! And, to point out those who are using Lies to gain power, at the same time they are hurting the millions affected by those lies by the past president and his political party members... And authoritarian dictators across the world...Many have turned away from TRUTH--turned away from God-- during this period of chaos. Yet, I believe God already had sent President Biden and now Kamala Harris to continue the path toward TRUTH in America... When Jesus was still young and traveling around sharing and healing the sick and hungry, he chose to give His message to all people who thirst for More...He told us to turn to Love... Truth... to Love God first and to Love our Neighbors... To turn away from those who spoke of power and hate. It's still the same story. We must choose to turn toward the Light rather than the darkness. Choose who wants only one thing of us. Love Our Neighbors. Do Good to those that persecute you. Speak Truth!

God Bless Us All!


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