Friday, August 16, 2024

Ongoing Contributor, Regis Auffray, Presents Poetic Words! Guitar Woman and the Moon - Also well know for his Limericks -Here's Two!


Guitar Woman and the Moon

she plays her guitar
to the stars, she is a star
her voice angelic

she strums and the moon
looks down and smiles approval
swept into her swoon

she elicits love
with her magical music
a gift of healing

© Regis Auffray

A Lady Named Rose

I once met a lady named Rose,
Who was nude from her nose to her toes;
So I took her downtown,
And bought her a gown,
Even though she despises clothes.

© Regis Auffray

Backpacking With Sigourney

When I was backpacking through Fernie,

I met a lady named Sigourney;

She is a swell gal,

She’s become my pal,

She has now joined me on my journey.

© Regis Auffray

Thanks so much for visiting today, Regis! When I was pulling up your pic to use, I discovered these two intriguing videos...The first is a narrated dance of leaves with poetic words. The last is a non-verbal video telling its own story... Finding words all around you, I am grateful to know you...

God Bless

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