Saturday, September 8, 2012

Read First Chapter of Greco's Game - Just Out - By James Houston Turner!


Talanov slowly opened his eyes and felt them sting as he fumbled for the remote. With a groan, he switched off the TV, swung his feet down onto the floor and sat hunched over for a long moment. Finally, he stood and looked for his clothes. In the wash of light coming in through the window, he could see them on the floor beneath a framed print hanging on the wall. He remembered kicking them in that direction when he and “Tash” had giggled their way into the hotel room earlier that night.
            Tash sure knew the routine. With legs like a sprinter and hair the color of honey, the twenty-something Ukrainian had moved up and down him like a pole dancer while slow-waltzing him into bed. Talanov knew it was a set-up long before his head began to spin from whatever it was someone had slipped him back in the nightclub. Even so, he didn’t care. He had quit caring long ago.
He picked up his underwear from the tangle of covers at the foot of the bed. A remnant of what would never be a memorable night of lovemaking. He could still see Tash jumping from the bed in her hot pink g-string, contemptuous at his inability to “do it.” And yet it was always the same, whether with Tash or any of the other hookers he had picked up over the last few months in an effort to try and forget.
But try as he did, he simply could not get Andrea out of his mind.
Memories of that night were still embedded in him like shrapnel. On stage for the award. Waves of applause. Andrea’s impulsive urge to lean over and kiss him.
Suddenly a shot. An explosion of blood. The brilliant red spatter floating before him like a nightmarish special effect in a movie. And in that split second before his wife hit the stage, Talanov saw movement high on the catwalk. A fleeting shadow was making an escape.

            Then came the shrieks. People scattering. Andrea’s fingers desperately reaching out
for him while she lay quivering in a spreading pool of red. In all his years with the KGB, 
Talanov had never felt panic.
            But he felt it then.
Diving to her side, he placed his hands over the gaping holes in her neck. He screamed 
for help as Andrea’s life continued to squirt through his fingers.
He looked down and saw Andrea’s eyes smiling up at him.
She tried to speak.
“Save your strength, help’s on the way,” he instructed, his eyes betraying the confidence
he tried to portray.
            “Love…you,” Andrea whispered as her eyelids sagged closed.

            “Stay with me!” Talanov shouted as the tears streaked down his cheeks.
He screamed again for help.
Sitting in the ambulance minutes later, Talanov strained to breathe. But the coils around
 his chest were crushing, relentless and cruel. The hope once visible in his eyes had melted into
 dark puddles of despair.
Suddenly, a high-pitched squeal sounded and the paramedics sprang into action. 
Readings were shouted, drugs were administered, heart massage was commenced.
Then came the paddles.
“Clear!” one of them shouted an instant before a jolt of electricity convulsed Andrea’s
ghostly white body.
The high-pitched squeal did not waver.
The paddles were charged again.
Talanov did not know how many attempts were made to save his wife before she was 
finally pronounced dead. He did not remember the hospital waiting room, or the questions 
asked by police, or the young female officer who finally drove him home. Numbness was all that
he felt as he lay curled up on the side of the bed where Andrea had fallen asleep on countless
nights, wrapped in his arms.
And numbness was all that he felt now as he stood at the hotel room window buttoning
his shirt.
After several minutes of staring absently at the lights of West Hollywood, he looked 
toward the nightstand for his watch. It was nowhere to be seen. With a snort, he picked up his
keys and shook his head. Serves you right, you stupid bastard. He walked over, picked up his
slacks and felt the hip pocket. He turned a full circle and looked all around before dropping
down onto all fours and searching under the dresser.
His wallet was gone.
Jumping up, Talanov yanked on his slacks, pulled on his shoes and stormed out of the
room. He flew down the stairs, pushed open the fire door and charged past the front counter. 
The desk clerk stared but said nothing.
Outside, the night was balmy and warm as Talanov paused on the sidewalk and tried to
remember which way he and Tash had come. He looked right and saw a darkened stretch of
asphalt lined with parked cars and apartments. Half a block to his left, however, was a traffic
He ran toward the light. Even at this late hour, the boulevard was active.
At the corner he saw it, on the other side of the street: the entrance of the nightclub
where he had met Tash. He waited for a break in the traffic and crossed against the light. Cars
rushed by. A steady stream of red tail lights going one way. A corresponding stream of 
headlights coming the other. It was a cacophony of noise. Exhaust fumes mixed with the
greasy smells of fast food.
The nightclub where Talanov was headed had a covered awning and some flashing
lights. Beneath the awning were two bouncers dressed in black slacks and t-shirts. Flirting with
them were several girls in micro skirts. Everyone was laughing.
The more muscular bouncer -- Gunner -- was taller and bald, while the other one -- Daz --
had a ponytail to the middle of his back.
Talanov ignored them and headed for the door.
Gunner stopped him. “I need to see some ID,” he said.
“You’re kidding. I’m over fifty.”
“Over fifty?” blurted one of the girls named Tracy. “I thought you were, like, thirty-
“Shut up!” snarled Gunner, glaring at Tracy. To Talanov: “Do I look like I’m kidding? 
Now, either show some ID or beat it.”
            “Someone inside has my wallet.”

“Not my problem.”
Talanov took a calming breath. He was furious. Tash, or whatever the hell her name was, 
had stolen his wallet and he wanted it back. Assuming, of course, that Tash was inside, which
was entirely doubtful.
“Ten minutes, that’s all I ask,” said Talanov. “I go in. I look around. I get my wallet and
leave. If she’s not there, I leave, anyway. You never see me again.”
“And I’m telling you that’s not going to happen.”
Talanov took another calming breath. This one was not as effective. “I’m not looking for
trouble,” he began.
“Then get the hell out of here. Or trouble is going to find you.”
According to Gunner, the choice was simple: leave voluntarily or leave forcibly. And it 
didn’t seem to matter to Gunner which choice Talanov made.
For Talanov the choice was likewise simple: was his wallet worth a fight? Logic told him
to either forget the wallet or try and work things out peacefully. Gunner was a big guy. He was
also twenty, maybe twenty-five years younger, an alpha male with a short fuse. Besides, what
were the odds Tash was inside, anyway? His wallet had had nearly two thousand dollars in it. 
More than likely, Tash was partying someplace else.
Talanov looked at the other bouncer, who was staring at him with unfriendly eyes. The
groupies were also watching. Everybody was waiting to see what the old guy was going to do.
“Don’t make this worse than it is,” said Talanov. “Ten minutes. Then I’m gone.”
There was a long moment of silence that was almost like a vacuum. Nobody seemed to
breathe. Then Gunner’s arms shot forward. The heels of his hands were like battering rams
aimed straight for Talanov’s chest. It was a preemptive two-handed blow designed to knock the
wind out of Talanov, send him flying into the bushes and teach him a lesson.
But Gunner had made the mistake of broadcasting his intentions with a number of 
subliminal signals: flaring of the nostrils, tightening of the lips, setting of the jaw, the drawing in
of a breath and holding it. So when Gunner’s hands shot out, Talanov stepped to the side, 
grabbed Gunner’s wrist and twisted it down and back. This forced Gunner to compensate by
straightening his arm and bending left in an effort to pull away. That allowed Talanov to twist
the outstretched arm behind Gunner. He then used Gunner’s momentum to drive him face down
to the sidewalk in one smooth motion. The whole maneuver took less than four seconds.
Kneeling on Gunner’s back, Talanov lifted the arm in a direction that could easily pop it
from the socket.
Gunner cried out and Talanov eased back.
“I asked you not to make this worse than it is,” Talanov said, glancing at Gunner then 
up at Daz. “So what’s it going to be?”
Daz glared angrily down at Talanov but knew better than to try anything with Gunner’s
arms bent backward like that.
Talanov raised an eyebrow expectantly.
“Ten minutes,” growled Daz. “But if you cause anyone any trouble -- and I mean, anyone
 -- I guarantee you won’t be leaving in one piece.”
Releasing Gunner’s arm, Talanov glanced over at Tracy and stood. With a hint of a smile,
he disappeared inside.
“Did you see the way he took Gunner down?” Tracy whispered excitedly to her friends. 
“Man, he’s friggin McDangerous! C’mon! Let’s go and meet him.”
            “What is wrong with you, Decker?” a friend responded, giving Tracy a slap on the arm. 
“You don’t even know that dude...know anything about him!”
“Yeah, but he’s, like, totally hot.”
The inside of the nightclub reminded Talanov of a refurbished warehouse. It had a high
ceiling, exposed truss beams and flexible ductwork, all painted black. On the dance floor, a 
churning mass of young people gyrated wildly to a deafening blast of music played by a DJ with
dreadlocks and sunglasses. Mounted above the dance floor were numerous tracks of colored
stage lights that kept time to the music.
            There’s got to be three or four hundred people out there, thought Talanov, squinting
through the noise at the waves of arms bending back and forth. But he had to start somewhere
and the dance floor was the logical place.
Finding Tash, however, was not his only problem. She also had a partner -- the person
who spiked his drink. He’d been in enough nightclubs to know one should never leave a drink
unattended. And he had not. So who had slipped him the Liquid X? Their waitress? One of the
bartenders? Someone watching from the service area? Whoever it was, it was imperative that
he spotted Tash before she or her partner spotted him. Which meant he had to work fast.
Threading his way through the crowd, Talanov was grabbed by several laughing girls. 
Lost in the rhythm of the music, they whirled and swayed enticingly around him while 
motioning for him to join in. Talanov pushed past them and made his way to the end of the bar,
where he stationed himself unobtrusively in the slashes of spinning lights. There, he allowed
his eyes to systematically comb the dance floor.
There were lots of blondes, but none of them was Tash.
Suddenly, on the far side of the nightclub, Talanov saw Daz and Gunner enter the club. 
Daz spoke into a filament mike positioned near his mouth. Within seconds a large man in a suit
approached. Standing a full head taller than either of them, the man looked like a Sumo 
wrestler, with a buzz cut and folds of flesh creasing the back of his neck. The two bouncers 
spoke to him briefly then fanned out and began sifting their way through the crowd.
            So much for getting ten minutes, Talanov thought.
To his left was a short flight of steps that led to a mezzanine full of café tables and 
booths. Talanov waited for a group of young people to climb the stairs and fell in behind them. 
At the top he stepped to one side and surveyed the room. People were everywhere: at tables, 
in booths and standing in the aisles. Most were laughing and drinking. Many were sending text
messages or talking on their cell phones. Again – lots of blondes but none of them was Tash.
Talanov started back down the stairs and then abruptly reversed direction and excused
his way to the top. You’re angry. You’re in a hurry, he thought. This time, do it right.
Thus, calling on skills learned more than thirty years ago at the Balashikha training 
center near Moscow, former KGB colonel Aleksandr Talanov, stood in a darkened corner and 
methodically double-checked each face in the room.
In less than a minute he saw her, seated with a businessman in a darkened booth.
“We go to quieter place now, yes?” Tash told the businessman in broken English while 
loosening his tie. “Get comfortable. Have some fun.” With a seductive smile, she began stroking
his thigh.
“I don’t normally do this,” the businessman replied. He was a florid-faced man with fleshy
jowls and thinning hair.
“Me, too,” Tash replied, scooting closer.
“Where are you from, anyway?” the businessman asked, noticing her accent.
“Wherever you want,” Tash said.
Her hand suddenly went higher and the businessman’s eyes widened.
“Hurry. Finish drink,” she cooed.
The businessman was gulping the remainder of his mojito when Talanov slid into the
            Zdravstvuy̆te, Tash,” he said in Ukrainian.
Tash’s mouth fell open.
“Who are you?” the businessman asked, blinking several times.
“Came for my wallet. Won’t be long,” answered Talanov.
The businessman looked at Tash, who shrugged nervously.
“I think you’ve got the wrong table,” the businessman said.
“Oh, I’ve got the correct table, all right,” answered Talanov. “Tash here slipped something
into my drink a few hours back and ran off with my wallet. And by the look on her face, I can 
tell she wasn’t expecting me to wake up anytime soon.”
“He is lying, Tom!” cried Tash. “I don’t know who this man is. Or what he is talking about.”
“It’s Todd,” muttered the businessman, glancing at his empty glass.
“Let me out,” demanded Tash.
“Not until you hand over my wallet,” said Talanov.
“She said she doesn’t know you,” said Todd.
“Then how did I know her name?”
Todd started to respond then looked at Tash with a wrinkle of doubt. “How did he know
your name?”
Tash replied with a disdainful huff. “I told you, I am model! He see me somewhere.”
Todd gave Tash a dubious scowl.
“Whatever,” said Tash. “Let me out.”
“Soon as I get my wallet,” said Talanov.
“How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t have your stupid wallet.”
“Let’s just see about that,” said Talanov. He grabbed Tash’s tiny, pink leather purse.
“Hey! Give that back!” said Tash, lunging for it.
Blocking her hand, Talanov opened the purse and turned it upside down. A tube of 
lipstick, mascara, two condoms, and a folded wad of cash landed on the table.
Talanov stared at what was not there.
“See, I don’t have wallet,” said Tash, snatching back her purse. “Now, get out of here. 
Leave me alone.”
A petite Asian waitress named Jade came up the stairs with a tray of drinks. She had 
blue streaks in her hair and wore bright red lipstick. When she saw Talanov, she slid the drinks
onto a table, ran back down and pushed her way through the crowd. She found Gunner and 
grabbed him by the arm. “Gunner, I need your help!”
“Not now,” he said, shaking her off while continuing to scan faces in the crowd.
“Upstairs. A Russian guy. Good looking. He was here earlier with Tash and he’s back. I
think he may cause trouble.”
Gunner stared at Jade for a moment then touched the microphone near his mouth. 
“Upstairs, on the mezzanine. We’ve got him.”
Sliding out of the booth, Todd stood. “I’m calling the police,” he said, fumbling clumsily
with his cell phone.
“Go for it,” said Talanov. “While you’re at it, tell them to run a drug test on your glass. 
Provided you’re still conscious by then.”
Tash grabbed her belongings and tried to leave.
Talanov grabbed her by the wrist.
“Hey, wut’re you doing?” said Todd, fumbling his words as much as his phone. “I think
you’d better leave.”
“You’ve got ten, maybe fifteen minutes before you pass out,” said Talanov while Todd
wobbled in front of him. “If I were you, I’d get some help.”
            Todd blinked several times but did not move.

“Go!” commanded Talanov.
Todd nodded and hurried off.
“Okay, where is it?” asked Talanov.
Tash folded her arms and looked defiantly away.
Talanov grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him. “For the last time, 
where’s my wallet?”
“Out back. In dumpster,” she said.
Talanov let go and settled back in the booth.
            A long moment of silence passed while Tash rubbed her chin.

“I want to go now,” said Tash.
“No driver’s license. No credit cards. No keys,” said Talanov.
“What are you talking about?”
“What gives? You’re carrying no driver’s license, no credit card, no keys.”
“What do you care?”
“That tells me you’re part of something you probably don’t want to be a part of. That
maybe someone’s holding you against your will. Making you do things against your will.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“I think you do.”
Tash stared at Talanov for a long moment then looked away.
Talanov watched her for a moment. Tash -- or whatever her name was -- was a pretty
girl. A pretty girl with a look of fear in her eyes.
“Sorry for getting so rough,” he said.
Tash gathered her lipstick and mascara and slid them into her purse. She placed her 
hand on the cash but paused when she saw Talanov watching her. “Here,” she said, sliding the
money toward him. “It is all there. Count, if you wish.”
“It was never about the money,” Talanov replied, ignoring the cash and getting out of 
the booth.
Tash stared up at him with open disbelief. “Then what is this about?”
“Her photo. It’s all I’ve got left.”
“You do this for a picture?”
“I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”
The next few seconds were one of those rare moments when time seemed to linger. And
in that moment, Tash saw Talanov’s anguish.
            She remembered the photo -- a wedding shot -- in a plastic window where a driver’s 
license should have been. The picture was of Talanov and his bride, happy and smiling, holding
flutes of champagne on a beach.
Tash studied him more closely and saw desperation and a certain “lostness” in his eyes, 
in spite of his self-destructive tendencies and aggression. Plus one thing he cared desperately 
            Her photo. It’s all I’ve got left.
No divorced man thinks that way.
            My God, she’s dead; you’re in mourning, thought Tash. No wonder you couldn’t do it.

By now, Talanov’s thoughts had drifted back to happier times, what few there had been, 
mainly because he had been unable to love his wife the way she deserved. Transparency and 
love -- qualities that defined a good marriage -- were contrary to what had been hammered 
into him at Balashikha. Love was a vulnerability that would get you killed.
Or worse: those whom you loved.
Then the world changed.
But Talanov could not.
And just when he was beginning to learn how---
He noticed Tash’s eyes widen an instant before the room flipped upside down as he
spun through the air and crashed hard on top of a table before tumbling to the floor. People
around him shouted and ran.
For a long moment, Talanov lay stunned and motionless. What the hell just happened? 
He opened his eyes and saw Gunner standing over him like an angry bull.
            Gunner grabbed Talanov, pulled him effortlessly to his feet and drew back a fist.

Talanov closed his eyes. Do what you want. I’m already dead.
The blow hit Talanov like a freight train and sent white spots exploding through his brain.
He floated limp for an instant, then landed on another table before flipping head over heels 
down onto the floor. In the distance he heard Tash screaming.
            Talanov groaned and rolled onto his back. His head was pounding and it hurt to breathe.
He saw Gunner push an overturned table out of his way and bear down on him, teeth bared, 
hands like claws, his neck muscles taut and veined.
Gunner took a quick half-step and swung his foot at Talanov’s head.
Talanov instinctively rolled away.
“Leave him alone!” cried Tash. She grabbed Gunner and tried to stop him but he pushed
her away. Right now, his sole purpose was pulverizing Talanov.
He kicked again -- a hard one aimed straight at Talanov’s head -- which meant one foot
was in motion while the other foot supported all of his weight.
Talanov swung his leg like a scythe and caught Gunner in the back of his ankle.
Gunner’s leg flew out from under him and gravity took over.
When Gunner hit the floor, the crowd of young onlookers cheered. Gunner immediately
scrambled to his feet just as a winded Talanov struggled to his, one hand holding his ribs, one 
hand waving back and forth, an indication that he wanted to stop.
“I’m leaving! I got what I wanted!” gasped Talanov.
“You’re leaving, but not in one piece,” growled Gunner just as Daz pushed his way 
through the circle of spectators, many of whom were recording the action with cell phone
“There’s no need for this!” said Talanov, looking back and forth between the two
“Stop it, Gunner!” yelled Tash, grabbing him again “He got what he wanted! Leave him
“Shut up, you worthless whore!”  Gunner clamped a meaty hand across Tash’s face and
shoved. Tash crashed into a table and sent chairs scattering as she backflipped down onto the 
floor, where she lay crying, legs sprawled, her short skirt hiked up to her waist. Her long blonde
hair was tangled and messy. Her lipstick was smeared and her cheeks were streaked with 
Talanov saw the crowd laughing as Tash rolled slowly onto her side and looked 
helplessly over at him before trying to get up.
Gunner pushed her back down and kicked her. Tash tried crawling away but Gunner
grabbed her by the hair.
Five minutes ago, Talanov would have been happy to let Tash get what was coming to 
her. She had drugged and rolled him. She had taken the only item that meant anything to him. 
She had left him passed out in a hotel room in order to fleece some other guy.
And now, here she was, trying to defend him. A thieving whore!
            Why couldn’t she have left well-enough alone?
Gunner lifted the crying Tash to her feet by the hair and drew back a fist when he heard
the bang of an aluminum chair. He turned and saw Talanov fall into the chair. With his head
lowered, Talanov sat motionless against the pulsating reflections of light keeping time with the
music. Surprised by this apparent act of surrender, Gunner let go of Tash and looked over at 
Daz. An instant later, they both rushed forward.
Sensing their decision milliseconds before any movement actually occurred, Talanov 
grabbed the leg of his chair and sprang left, slinging it straight at Daz, who stumbled backward
as he wrestled it away from his face. Talanov continued his pivot and sank a roundhouse kick
into Gunner’s kidney. With a bellow, Gunner stumbled forward.
Talanov stepped behind him, seized Gunner by the back of the neck and hammered his
forehead down onto a table to the crazed delight of the crowd. He then whirled to face Daz as
Gunner slid limp to the floor.
Daz picked up a chair and threw it.
Talanov grabbed one of the café tables and used it as a shield to deflect the chair. Daz
hurled another chair, then another. Talanov sent each of them tumbling to the floor.
Daz turned to flee but was stopped by the wall of spectators. Cut off, he turned and 
Talanov blocked several wild punches, stepped inside and smashed Daz in the jaw with
an elbow. He then grabbed Daz by the shirt, twisted inward and flipped him over his shoulder. 
When Daz landed on his stomach, Talanov grabbed him by the ponytail and slammed his face 
on the floor.
“I told you not to make this worse than it is,” Talanov said, leaning close.
With his nose dripping blood, Daz swallowed and coughed.
Talanov leaned closer. “So I’ll ask you one more time: are you ready to call this off?”
Daz coughed again.
            “Are you?” Talanov demanded.
With his attention focused on Daz, Talanov did not see the big Sumo move in on him
from behind. He did not hear the collective gasps as Sumo’s hand came down like an axe.
All he felt was an explosion of pain.
An instant later, everything went black.

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