Sunday, April 18, 2010
Do You Believe in Fate? Check Out What Reviewers Are Saying About The Mystery of Fate!
“I wouldn’t want to judge which story is deserving of the first place award in this fascinating book. Each story is a winner. Because our modern society is slowly trying to push the spiritual world out of our lives, each story was refreshing. They made my heart come alive, realizing that the unconditional power from above protects us, and guardian angels do exist.”
Alberta Sequeira, author of A Healing Heart: a Spiritual Renewal
“To anyone who has been down to their last dollar or the end of the rope, or in need of a new start, The Mystery of Fate: Common Coincidence of Divine Intervention? is a must read. From chance encounters to answered prayers, these stories are sure to uplift and give pause for reflection. I’ve cleared a place on my bookshelf to read and re-read The Mystery of Fate any time I’m in need of inspiration or my batteries are in need of a recharge.”
Richard Markov, author of One Thousand Shades of Gray www.
"The stories in this anthology often left me with goose bumps, many times with tears in my eyes, but always with a sense of wonder. Each account is colorful, heartfelt, entertaining and inspiring. Even the biggest non-believers will be in awe as fate weaves through time and continents in these amazing stories. I loved the diversity from one story to the next - different countries, different time really have a little of everything here! I loved the diversity from one story to the next - different countries, different time really have a little of everything here! How wonderful is The Mystery of Fate!”
Melissa Christensen, English and Italian Tutor, and writer of children’s stories and historical fiction.
“The Mystery of Fate is a must read for anyone searching for proof that there is a God and that God is truly in the details of our lives. I couldn’t put the book down as I read the true stories of lives being transformed by faith and prayers. This inspiring book takes the reader into the joy and the mystery of synchronicity. I highly recommend this book for anyone on the spiritual path.”
Pat Hastings, author of Simply A Woman of Faith.
"A fabulous book! Arlene Uslander and Brenda Warneka have compiled a moving and engaging collection of short stories in The Mystery of Fate. The co-authors take the reader through a journey of true accounts of people being profoundly changed by the hand of fate. Whether it was being delayed by time, meeting a particular person, listening to gut instinct or being in the right place at the right time, you will be enraptured by these stories. Even though I have always been a believer in the possibility of greater forces among us, reading this book solidified my beliefs. Everybody will love this truly uplifting book.”
Maureen Gaynor, author of Always a Place
“…. easy read, well constructed and thought out, which causes the reader to expand or reconsider one’s beliefs. The Mystery of Fate contains a little of all of us. Simply put, a must read!
Walter Luce, Avid Reader
“A reality show just waiting to happen.” Sally Franz, Author of Boomer Humor.
“…. A non-stop read that only ended with the last sentence on the last page. The back cover says it best”: ‘The stories will make you laugh and sometimes cry, but all will inspire and motivate you.’
Tom Onstott. Author of Jardine and Sniper.
I view your collection of fate stories like eating at a dim sum (little jewels) resturant. Each story is like eating a new and tasty dim sum. They are like dim sum because each tale is a little jewel, which is what dim sum supposedly means.
Bobbie Smith (Sonora, California, artist).
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